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The Erasmus inter-institutional agreements are designed to facilitate the implementation of student and staff mobility in the Erasmus projects. The following list details our Erasmus partners.

Aldent University  (AL TIRANA02)

National School of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property  (DZ TIPASA01)

Armenian State Pedagogical University (AR YEREVA01)

Technical University Graz    (A  GRAZ02)
FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences    (A  GRAZ09)
Medical University of Graz    (A  GRAZ23)
The Vienna University of Technology (A WIEN02) 
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna    (A  WIEN06)
University of Applied Arts Vienna (A WIEN07)

Ghent University (B GENT01)
Hogeschool University of Applied Sciences and Arts  (B GENT25)
Artvelde University of Applied Sciences (B GENT39)


Plovdiv University (BG PLOVDIV04)
Angel Kanchev University of Ruse  (BG ROUSSE01)
University of National and World Economy  (BG SOFIA03)
Todor Kableshkov University of Transport (BG SOFIA22)
University of Telecommunications and Post Sofia (BG SOFIA28)
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG SOFIA30)
Vasil Levski National Military University  (BG VELIKO02)

University of Dubrovnik (HR DUBROV01)
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (HR OSIJEK01)
University of Rijeka  (HR RIJEKA01)
Polytechnic of Šibenik  (HR SIBENIK01)
University of Zagreb (HR ZAGREB01)
Zagreb University of Applied Sciences (HR ZAGREB05)
University College Algebra (HR ZAGREB11)

University of Cyprus (CY NICOSIA01)
European University Cyprus  (CY NICOSIA24)

Zealand Institute of Business and Technology (DK KOGE03)

Estonian Academy of Arts (EE TALLINN01)
University of Tartu (EE TARTU02)
Pallas University of Applied Sciences (EE TARTU05)

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (SF HELSINK41)
Karelia University of Applied Science (SF JOENSUU09)
Jyvaskyla University of Applied Sciences (SF JYVASKY11)
University of Oulu  (SF OULU01)
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SF PORI08)
University of Lapland  (SF ROVANIE01)
Lapland University of Applied Sciences (SF ROVANIE11)
Tampere University  (SF TAMPERE17)
Abo Akademi University (SF TURKU02)
Turku University of Applied Sciences (SF TURKU05)
Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (SF VAASA03)

Bordeaux Montaigne University (F BORDEAU03)
University of Bordeaux  (F BORDEAU58)
ENSTA Bretagne  (F BREST08)
University of Caen Normandy  (F CAEN01)
University of the Littoral Opal Coast  (F DUNKERQ09)
Grenoble Institute of Technology  (F GRENOBL22)
University De Lille - Faculty Of Science And Technologies  (F LILLE01)
Aix-Marseille University (F MARSEIL84)
University of Paul Valery (F MONTPEL03)
University of Montpellier  (F MONTPEL54)
University of Lorraine (F NANCY43)
University of Orléans (F ORLEANS01)
University of Paris  (F PARIS482)
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne  (F REIMS01)
University of Rennes I  (F RENNES01)
University of Reunion Island  (F ST-DENI01)
University of Strasbourg  (F STRASB048)

RWTH Aachen University (D AACHEN01)
Aalen University of Applied Sciences (D AALEN01)
East Bavarian University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden (D AMBERG01)
Bayreuth University (D BAYRUETH01)
Braunschweig University of Technology (D BRAUNSC01)
University Bremen (D BREMEN01)
Bremen University of Applied Sciences (D BREMEN04)
University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven  (D BREMERH01)
Technical University Dresden   (D DRESDEN02)
Dresden University of Fine Arts  (D DRESDEN04)
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf  (D DUSSELD01)
Goethe University Frankfurt  (D FRANKFU01)
Fulda University of Applied Sciences (D FULDA01)
University Hildesheim  (D HILDESH01)
University of Applied Sciences Göttingen (D HILDESH02)
Chemnitz University of Technology (D CHEMNIT01)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena (D JENA01)
Köln University of Applied Sciences (D KOLN04)
Leipzig University (D LEIPZIG01)
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (D MAINZ01)
University of Mannheim (D MANNHEI01)
University of Muenster (D MUNSTER01)
University of Passau (D PASSAU01)
State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart (D  STUTTGA04)
University of Tübingen (D TUEBINGEN01)
Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences  (D ZITTAU01)
WHZ University of Applied Sciences  (D ZWICKAU01)

Agricultural University of Athens  (G ATHINE03)
University of West Attica  (G EGALEO02)
University of Ioannina (G IOANNIN01)
Technological Educational Institute of Kalamata (G KALAMAT01)
University of Piraeus (G PIREAS01)
University of Thessaly  (G VOLOS01)

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)  (HU BUDAPES01)
Pázmány Péter Catholic University (HU BUDAPES12)
The Hungarian University of Fine Arts  (HU BUDAPES26)
National University of Public Service (HU BUDAPES54)
University of Debrecen (HU DEBRECE01)
University of Dunaújváros  (HU DUNAUJ01)
The Eszterházy Károly Catholic University  (HU EGER02)
University of Gyor  (HU GYOR01)
University of Pécs  (HU PECS01)
Szeged University  (HU SZEGED01)

University of Akureyri (IS AKUREYR01)
University of Iceland (IS REYKJAV01)

Western Galilee College  (IL AKKO 01)

Technological University Dublin   (IRL DUBLIN44)
Mary Immaculate College    (IRL LIMERIC04)


University of Sannio  (I BENEVEN02) 
University of Cagliary  (I CAGLIAR01)
University of Calabria  (I COSENZA01)
University of Florence (I FIRENZE01)
University of Foggia (I FOGGIA03)
University of Genoa  (I GENOVA01)
University of L'Aquila  (I L-AQUIL01)
University of Messina    (I MESSINA01)
University of Milan (I MILANO01)
Brera Academy  (I MILANO08)
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I MODENA01)
The University of Naples Federico II  (I NAPOLI01)
University of Palermo (I PALERMO01)
University of Parma (I PARMA01)
University of Perugia  (I PERUGIA01)
University of Pisa (I PISA01)
LUMSA university  (I ROMA04)
University of Siena  (I SIENA01)
University of Torino (I TORINO01)
University of Trento (I TRENTO01)
University of Udine  (I UDINE01)
University of Insubria (I VARESE02)


Riga Technical University   (LV RIGA02)
Latvian Academy of Culture   (LV RIGA08)
Riga Building College (LV RIGA40)
Riga University of Latvia (LV RIGA46)

Vytautus Magnus University (LT KAUNAS01)
Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution (LT KAUNAS08)
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences  (LT KAUNAS13)
Klaipeda University   (LT KLAIPED01)
Vilnius University  (LT VILNIUS01)
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (LT VILNIUS02)
Vilnius College of Technology and Design  (LT VILNIUS10)
Vilnius College of Technologies and Design  (LT VILNIUS14)

North Macedonia
S.S. Cryril and Methodius University in Skopje   (MK SKOPJE01)

University of Malta (MT MALTA01)

Nord University   (N BODO04)
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences  (N ELVERUM02)
University of Agder  (N KRISTIA01)
Oslo Metropolitan University  (N OSLO60)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology  (N TRONDHE01)

University of Bialystok  (PL BIALYST04)
Stanisław Staszic University of Public Administration in Białystok (PL BIALYST05)
University of Bielsko-Biala (PL BIELSKO02)
Polonia University (PL CZESTOC03)
University of Gdansk    (PL GDANSK01)
Gdansk University of Technology (PL GDANSK02)
Silesian University of Technology (PL GLIWICE01)
University of Silesia in Katowice (PL KATOWIC01)
University of Occupational Safety Management in Katowice  (PL KATOWIC14)
Kielce University of Technology (PL KIELCE01)
Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (PL KIELCE02)
State University of Applied Sciences in Konin  (PL KONIN02)
Koszalin University of Technology  (PL KOSZALI01)
Jagiellonian University (PL KRAKOW01)
AGH University of Krakow  (PL KRAKOW02)
Krakow University of Technology  (PL KRAKOW03)
Cracow University of Economics   (PL KRAKOW04)
University of Agriculture in Krakow   (PL KRAKOW06)
Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts  (PL KRAKOW10)
University of Lodz (PL LODZ01)
Marie Curie-Sklodowska University (PL LUBLIN01)
Lublin University of Technology    (PL LUBLIN03)
Agricultural University of Lublin    (PL LUBLIN04)
University of Opole (PL OPOLE01)
Opole University of Technology    (PL OPOLE02)
Academy of Applied Sciences Stanislaw Staszic in Pila  (PL PILA02)
Adam Mickiewicz University   (PL POZNAN01)
Poznan University of Technology   (PL POZNAN02)
Casimir Pulaski University of Radom  (PL RADOM01)
University of Szczecin (PL SZCZECI01)
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (PL TORUN01)
University of Warsaw    (PL WARSZAW01)
Warsaw School of Economics (PL WARSZAW03)
Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw (PL WARSAW08)
Lazarski University in Warsaw (PL WARSAW14)
Military University of Technology    (PL WARSZAW33)
The War Studies University (PL WARSZAW68)
University of Wroclaw (PL WROCLAW01)
Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (PL WROCLAW03)
International University of Transport in Wroclaw (PL WROCLAW16)

University of the Azores (P ACORES01)
University of Aveiro (P AVEIRO01)
University of Minho (P BRAGA01)
Polytechnic Institute of Braganca (P  BRAGANC01)
Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (P CASTELO01)
University of Coimbra (P COIMBRA01)
University of Evora (P EVORA01)
University of Madeira (P FUNCHAL03)
NOVA University of Lisbon (P LISBOA03)
Autonomous University of Lisbon (P LISBOA11)
Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies (P LISBOA52)
University of Porto (P PORTO02)
CESPU University of Gandra (P PORTO56)
Polytechnic of Santarem (P SANTARE01)
Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (P TOMAR01)
Polytechnic Institute of Viseu    (P  VISEU01)

Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau (RO BACAU01)
Transilvania University of Brasov (RO BRASOV01)
The "Ferdinand I" Military Technical Academy (RO BUCURES02)
Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (RO BUCURES04)
University of Bucharest    (RO BUCURES09)
Polytechnic Unversity of Bucharest (RO BUCURES11)
Romanian-American University (RO BUCURES18)
Bucharest National University of Arts  (RO BUCURES29)
Babes-Bolyai University (RO CLUJNA01)
Ovidius University of Constanta    (RO CONSTAN02)
University of Craiova    (RO CRAIOVA01)
George Enescu National University of Arts (RO IASI01)

University of Belgrade (RS  BELGRAD02)
University of Novi Sad    (RS NOVISAD02)

Alexandr Dubcek University of Trencin (SK  TRENCIN01)
Technical University of Zvolen (SK  ZVOLEN01)
Matej Bel University (SK BANSKA01)
Slovak University of Technology Bratislava (SK BRATISL01)
Comenius University (SK BRATISL02)
University of Economics in Bratislava (SK BRATISL03)
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Košice (SK KOSICE02)
Technical University of Košice (SK KOSICE03)
Milan Rastislav Stefanik Academy of the Armed Forces    (SK LIPTOV01)
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (SK NITRA01)
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SK NITRA02)
University of Prešov (SK PRESOV01)
Catholic University of Ružomberok (SK RUZOMBE01)
University of Trnava (SK TRNAVA01)
University of Žilina (SK ZILINA01)

University of Primorska (SI KOPER03)
University of Ljubljana (SI LJUBLJA01)
University of Maribor (SI MARIBOR01)
University of Nova Gorica    (SI NOVA-GO01)

Camilo José Cela University    (E   MADRID33)
University of Alicante     (E  ALICANT01)
The University of the Basgue Country    (E  BILBAO01)
University of Burgos    (E  BURGOS01)
Jaume I University    (E  CASTELL01)
Castilla-la Mancha University    (E  CIUDA-R01)
University of Girona    (E  GIRONA02)
University of Granada    (E  GRANADA01)
University of Huelva    (E  HUELVA01)
University of Jaén   (E  JAEN01)
Universiy of León    (E  LEON01)
Complutense University of Madrid    (E  MADRID03)
Autonomous University of Madrid    (E  MADRID04)
Technical University of Madrid    (E  MADRID05)
University Distancia de Madrid    (E  MADRID160)
University of Málaga    (E  MALAGA01)
University of Oviedo    (E  OVIEDO01)
University of the Balearic Islands    (E  PALMA01)
University of Santiago de Compostela    (E  SANTIAG01)
University of Sevilla    (E  SEVILLA01)
Pablo de Olavide University Sevilla    (E  SEVILLA03)
University of La Laguna    (E  TENERIF01)
University of Valencia    (E  VALENCI01)
Technical University of Valencia    (E  VALENCI02)
University of Valladolid    (E  VALLADO01)
University of Vigo    (E  VIGO01)
San Jorge University    (E  ZARAGOZ07)


Orebro University (S OREBRO01)
Umea University (S  UMEA01)
Uppsala University (S  UPPSALA01)

Bern University of Applied Sciences    (CH BERN11)
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Notrhwestern Switzerland    (CH BRUGG02)
University of Fribourg    (CH FRIB01)
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland     (CH LUGANO02)


The Netherlands
HAN University of Applied Sciences    (NL ARNHEM27)
Delft University of Technology    (NL DELFT01)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences    (NL EINDHOV03)
Hanze University of Applied Sciences    (NL GRONING03)
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences    (NL LEEUWAR03)
Wageningen University    (NL WAGENIN01)

University of Kara    (RT KARA01)

Ankara University     (TR ANKARA01)
Atilim University    (TR ANKARA05)
Lokman Hekim University    (TR ANKARA25)
Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University     (TR BOLU01)
Bursa Technical University    (TR BURSA02)
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University    (TR CANAKKA01)
Pamukkale University    (TR DENIZLI01)
Anadolu University    (TR ESKISEH01)
Eskisehir Technical University    (TR ESKISEH03)
Istanbul University    (TR ISTANBU03)
Marmara University    (TR ISTANBU05)
Istanbul Culture University    (TR ISTANBU19)
Üsküdar University    (TR ISTANBU46)
Istanbul Topkapi University    (TR ISTANBU59)
Ege University    (TR IZMIR02)
Selcuk University    (TR KONYA01)
Necmettin Erbakan University    (TR KONYA04)
Mugla University    (TR MUGLA01)
Nigde Ömer Halisdemir University    (TR NIGDE01)
Karadeniz Technical University    (TR TRABZON01)
Usak University    (TR USAK01)
Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University    (TR ZONGULD01)