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Published: 16.09.2024

Dear students,  dear colleagues,

I would like to assure you that in connection with the current critical flood situation in the Czech Republic, the University staff is monitoring all UPCE buildings and is promptly solving any problems that may arise.

Please contact your supervisors if you need to address individual problems, such as the inability to travel to work due to traffic restrictions due to the flood. 

Current information for the Faculty of Health Studies students: 

Due to continued adverse weather conditions, the matriculation of FHS students that was scheduled to take place on Monday, 16 September, has been cancelled. The matriculation of FHS students will take place on an alternate date. In connection with the commencement of classes at the Faculty of Health Studies, arrangements have been set by the faculty management, which are subject to change. Please keep an eye on the faculty's web/social pages for further information. 

Also, I request you to watch the UPCE website for updates. 

Thank you all for your understanding. 

Also, let me thank all the concerned students and staff for their cooperation and help.