European Industrial Doctoral School Summer Workshop 2015
The Ph.D. students representatives of the University of Pardubice participated with other students from European universities in the summer workshop ”European Industrial Doctoral School“ (E.I.D.S.) organised by the University of Aveiro, Portugal.
The aim of the annual E.I.D.S. summer workshop is to build cooperation between universities and industries for quality development and improvement of doctoral study programmes. The idea of E.I.D.S. originated at Umeå University, Sweeden; and was in succession taken up by other European Universities.
The 4th edition of the European Industrial Doctoral School was held in the beautiful city of Aveiro, Portugal at the turn of April and May 2015. A total of 19 students in addition to a six-member organizing committee from the collaborative universities including Umeå University, University of Pardubice, Ghent University, Bangor University, Cardiff University and University of Aveiro participated with the greatest enthusiasm. The Pardubice group was represented by Ph.D. students namely Abraham Kabutey, Lucie Jelínková, Pavlína Hlavsová, Filip Holík, Jan Kroupa and Rudolf Kupčík who successfully passed the selection procedure.
The Workshop was opened with a welcome address from prof. Antonio Teixeira and prof. Helena Nazare from European University Association (EUA) followed by a presentation on Research policy of the University of Aveiro towards industrial doctorates given by the vice-rector prof. Fernando Mendes.
The week-long workshop from 26th April until 2nd May was entirely dedicated to improving doctoral education for enhanced career development and collaborative research and networking relations between industries and universities. Lectures among others included research peer review, maximizing research impact, project proposal and budget planning, pros and cons of cooperation with industry, responsibility of local authorities in strengthening industry and research.
“We gained not only theoretical experience but also practical knowledge through the lecture presentations, visitation to a biotechnology research institute (Biocant Park), meeting with research students and professors in the University of Aveiro to discuss common research interest as well as the team building activities where we shared critical ideas on a given research task.” said Abraham Kabutey, Ph.D. student of the Faculty of Chemical Technology.
The workshop tries to emphasise that the Ph.D. education or programme need to be a “problem solved research” which can be achieved ultimately within the framework of an effective research collaboration between universities and industries or companies where Ph.D. candidates can acquire practical experience and also engage in scientific publications.
Workshop contributed to gaining new contacts, starting of new cooperation in the field of research and education (e.g. research publications , participation in conferences, knowledge transfer, exchange of students and academic staff), poster presentations, multidisciplinary approach, promotion of industrial collaboration and improving of English communication skills.
A very unique event of the summer workshop was the preparation of poster and the poster evaluation where the participants learnt new skills in poster presentation as C.A.R.P. that is Contrast, Alignment, Repetition and Proximity. These tips and advices for improving of posters and their presentation were highly appreciated by all participants of the E.I.D.S.
Lucie Jelínková, Ph.D. student of the Faculty of Economics and Administration said: “I was inspired by Dr. Miguel Drymmond´s outstanding life story, postdoc of the University of Aveiro, who has gained considerable experience working for Nokia Siemens Networks. It was a very good point to think about myself, my decisions and plans for the future.”
The participants accepted that the workshop atmosphere was friendly, comforting and very educative. They have been indeed motivated by the in-depth knowledge gained from the workshop which will be useful in their doctoral studies, social lifes and most importantly their respectivecareer development. Big thanks goes to Ing. Monika Vejchodová, the Head of the Office of International Affairs and Development, Vice-Rectors and Supervisors for their inestimable support. Also we would like to recommend other Ph.D. students to participate in the next E.I.D.S summer workshop planned to take place in Belgium.