the 11th session of the Academic Senate of the University of Pardubice
in the term of office 2023 – 2026
to be held on Tuesday, 9 April 2024 at 2 pm
in the Rectorate Meeting Room, Studentská 95 (4th floor).
1. Approval of scrutineers
2. Approval of the rules of the hybrid meeting of the UPCE Academic Senate
3. Approval of the programme
4. The Rector´s plan to appoint the UPCE vice-rectors
5. Miscellaneous
Link to the session: Připojit se ke schůzce hned
11. (mimořádné) zasedání AS UPCE dne 9.4.2024 | Univerzita Pardubice
Pardubice, 2 April 2024 Ing. Petr Bělina, Ph.D.
Chair of the UPCE Academic Senate