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Published: 18.05.2022



the 18th session of the Academic Senate of the University of Pardubice
in the term of office 2020 – 2023

to be held on Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 2:00 pm
in the Rectorate Meeting Room, Studentská 95 (4th floor).



1. Approval of scrutineers.
2. Approval of the programme.
3. Information about activities of the Board of the UPCE Academic Senate.
4. Draft of the new wording of the internal regulation Rules of habilitation procedure and proceedings to appoint professors at the University of Pardubice.
5.Annual management report of the University of Pardubice for 2021.
6. Draft of the budget if the University of Pardubice for 2022.
7. Announcement of by-elections to the Academic Senate UPCE in the electoral unit of the FAP.
8. Miscellaneous.

Pardubice, 17 May 2022                                                 

Ing. Petr Bělina, Ph.D.
Chair of the UPCE Academic Senate