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01/14/2021 - 09:40

Стипендии для Студентов из Беларуси

с целью обучения в университете г. Пардубице, в 2021/2022 учебном году (с середины сентября 2021 года по середину июля 2022 года) Информация на других языках: Egnlish version Česká verze Пардубицкий университет предлагает стипендию в размере 11 500 CZK (чешских крон…
Objevte kulturní a vědecké akce pořádané Univerzitou
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01/14/2021 - 09:16

Scholarships for Belarus Students

to study at the University of Pardubice in academic year 2021/2022 (from mid September 2021 to mid July 2022) Information in other languages: Русская версия Česká verze This is a call for students to apply for scholarships for Belarus students to study at the Universit…
01/13/2021 - 11:04

Braun’s Nativity Scene in the Care of Restorers

It is one of the top examples of Baroque landscape sculpture. And not only in our country. Hidden in the forest of Nový Les near the Kuks Hospital, it attracts thousands of visitors every year. The Nativity Scene by Matthias Bernard Braun is nearly 300 years old. Yet, despite having been able to …
01/12/2021 - 12:01

Reaching for European HR Excellence in Research

Enhancing the working conditions of the academic staff or promoting career growth of junior researchers. Creating a comfortable research environment. These are the objectives of the STROP project, which has started this January. Thanks to the project, the University hopes to win a European award …
01/12/2021 - 11:35

Galileo Masters Prize 2020 for prof. Filip

A researcher of the University of Pardubice becomes the Czech winner of the Galileo Masters 2020 in recognition of a solution that Europe has spent 10 years looking for. Aleš Filip of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics proposed a solution that may reduce railway traffic managem…