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Education and Development of Research Team for Centre of Material Science Pardubice

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Programme: Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost
Implementation period: 01.08.09 - 31.07.12
Workplace: Univerzita Pardubice - *Centrum materiálového výzkumu
Investigator: Vejchodová Monika
Main aim of the project is to prepare and to realize complete program of vocational training and education of young and perspective researchers and scientists, including PhD. and MSc. students in the field of material science with the focus on ?edge-cutting? technologies and knowledges, research equipment and applications the field of solid state chemistry and physics, surfaces and thin films, optics, optoelectronics and photonics, new perspective materials, nanomaterials and new energy sources. The program of education and training will be a foundation of the systematic preparation and support of the potential candidates for work in science and research in the Centre for Material Science Pardubice (CMS ? European Centre of Excellence, project from both national and European funds (ERDF) within the Research and Development for Innovations Operational Programme) and also other Research and Development institutions in Czech Republic (universities, research and science institutions, companies), which deals with materials research and related subjects. Other important aims are: -increase attractivity of technical and complicated disciplines to potential candidates for research and scientific work (MSc. students) teaching them ?full picture? from theoretical background of modeling properties and structure of materials to their synthesis, characterization techniques and equipments and to their applications; -motivation and encouragement of current young research workers in broadening their knowledge through their exposure to latest and newest information, technologies and equipments; -education and motivation of high quality young research workers, who will be core of future team of CMS; -popularization of science and research work and its results for our society and general public.