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University IT for education and research

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Programme: Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace
Implementation period: 01.01.09 - 31.12.13
Workplace: Univerzita Pardubice - Sekretariát CITS
Investigator: Klápšťová Olga
Team member: Nepovímová Romana | Švec Petr | Slanina Jiří
The purpose of the project is improving the quality and innovation of doctoral and master study programmes at the six faculties of the University of Pardubice, with the emphasis on the preparation multidisciplinarity and development of the young researchers´ skills. The increase of quality and innovation of the study programmes will be reached via establishing the university centre, which will offer the master and doctoral programme students a possibility of using specialized labs equipped with the required technologies, especially software products and electronic information sources supporting the research role of doctoral study programmes. In the specialized labs, lecturing of subjects taught at all the faculties at the University of Pardubice will be carried out, except for the Faculty of Restoration. The aim of the project is creation of ideal circumstances for multifaculty and interdisciplinary co-operation in connection with the doctoral studies. The emphasis will be put on the increase of the foreign languages education and multilingual programmes offered at the University of Pardubice.