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Centre for Technology and Knowledge Transfer

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Programme: Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace
Implementation period: 01.04.12 - 31.03.15
Workplace: Fakulta chemicko-technologická - Kancelář rektora
Investigator: Kulhánek Jiří
Team member: Vejchodová Monika | Hrdina Radim | Cabalka Pavel
The main aim of the Centre for Technology and Knowledge Transfer is to create a self-sustainable and efficient system for co-operation between the university and industry. Connecting the research potential of the university with the demand of commercial subjects in full business environment is key to the centre's strategy. This co-operation should not only bring concrete results for the commercial sphere and the university, but also strengthen the university's position in research and development and support the research potential of the University as a whole. The main activities of the centre are three fold: active networking, consultation services to the members of the university and last but not least managerial support to the university spin out companies: 1. Establishment of formal and informal networks is essential for successful implementation of the Centre's strategy. Support to the active entrepreneurship environment is a critical element for the creation of new ideas. 2. The provision of a single point of contact for the members of the university and third parties to enable new business opportunities. Consultation services will be focused in two directions: a. Internal: support to new ideas within the university will provide full managerial and legal support to the members of the university b. External: The CTT will serve as a contact point for external partners, mainly from the commercial sphere with the aim to enhance the links between industry and applied research in the university on a commercial basis. 3. Support and management of new ideas and spin out companies from the university is the third integral part of the CTT strategy.