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The use of new analytical instrumentation in research of analytical and diagnostic methods

Provider: Grantová agentura ČR
Programme: Standardní projekty
Implementation period: 01.01.99 - 31.12.01
The aim of the project is development of new procedures utilizable in analytical control in areas of material engineering, environment and medical diagnostics with the use of top instrumental techniques. Young researches taken with regard to strengthen the research at universities will also participate in the project. From new modern analytical techniques, the instrumentation is available as follows: GC-MS, HPLC-MS, CE-MS, FTIR, ICP, AAS, RFS, (NMR), electrochemical analyser BAS 100W, potentiometric stripping unit, etc. It is expected that some special separation techniques, e.g., affinity chromatography and micellar electrokinetic chromatography with electroosmotic flow (MECC) will also be used. The project in which the modern analytical instrumentation as listed above is applied and combined with new methodologic approaches necessary for progressive fields of science and technology will certainly play an important role in integration of the Czech Republic into the European Community.