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Proof-of-concept activities support at University of Pardubice

Provider: Technologická agentura České republiky
Programme: Program aplikovaného výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací GAMA
Implementation period: 01.08.15 - 31.12.19
Team member: Ondráčková Linda
The main objective of the project during the implementation and sustainability period is to stabilize long-term viable support system for systematic verification of the application potential of the research and development achievements at the University of Pardubice: a) acceleration of commercially most promising technological sub-projects, which require significant financial resources to verify the application potential and to be commercialized b) comprehensive system of search, evaluation, verification and protection of intellectual property and commercialization of R D results the University of Pardubice, incl. pilot testing of a stable and sustainable "Innovation and commercialization fund", which will be gradually filled with the revenue from the sale of sub-projects IP