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The traditional university sports challenge Let's get the university moving is here!

Run, cycle or try active walking with us all April. You will do something for your health, compete for your faculty and this year you will also contribute to the charity project Let's get the university moving for Sofinka. All you have to do is move!

The competition is open to UPCE students and employees. Collect miles for yourself and the faculty. 
The overall winner of Let's get the university moving is the faculty that receives the best overall ranking in all categories. We will also evaluate each category based on the total miles. 

Join us!

How to log miles in the faculty battle:

  • Turn on any sports app that records your route. 
  • Switch to your desired sport activity (running, walking, cycling) and you're ready to go. 
  • When you have completed the sport activity, take a screenshot of the result and upload it to the form.
  • Each activity is entered into the form separately. 

How to log miles in the faculty battle, and support Sofinka at the same time:

  • Download the ČEZ Foundation's EPP sports app for Android or Apple. Your recorded kilometers via this app will help you earn the necessary points for Sofinka in addition to the kilometers for the faculty competition.  
  • Switch to the desired sport activity (running, walking, cycling) and you are ready to go.
  • Once the activity is complete, click on Support Project (Podpořit projekt) to find our sponsored project Let's get the university moving for Sofinka (Rozhýbejme univerzitu pro Sofinku). Click on the button I want to support (Chci podpořit).
  • When you have finished the sport activity, take a screenshot of the result and upload it to the form.
  • Each activity will be entered into the form separately. 

Start: Monday, 1 April 2025
Finish: Tuesday, 30 April 2025 at midnight

Minimum activity for each of your entries are

  • 2 km continuous run OR
    4 km of continuous active walking OR
    10 km of continuous cycling.

Will we beat last year's record of 55,000 kilometres? We look forward to seeing your results!

Please enter your activity records individually on this form

Want to check your results and how you compare to others? Then check out the results link.

The data displayed is anonymous. If you as a participant want to see a summary of your results, you need to know the identifier of any of your reported results. This can be found on the page listing your results. This is the number after the # symbol.

Let's get the university moving for Sofinka with the ČEZ Foundation's EPP app

Last year, we collected 55,000 km in the Let's get the university moving challenge and now we would like to donate these kilometers to a charity project. 
Thanks to the ČEZ Foundation's project, UPCE can help a little girl named Sofinka using the EPP app. The project called Let's get the university moving for Sofinka combines the movement of UPCE students and employees with helping those in need - every step we take for our health also means a step towards progress for Sofinka.

About Sofinka

Sofinka is 7 years old. She was born with spinal muscular atrophy type 1 at a time when there was no commonly available treatment in the country. After much effort by her parents, she was enrolled in an international gene therapy study and they moved to Boston with her parents and her sister Anetka.  In 2018, thanks to modern medicine, she was given a new chance at life. Despite all the difficulties she has experienced, she has not lost her good spirits and zest for life. She wants to play, wear dresses and be there for every mischief. She is a wonderful first-grade student at Svítkov Primary School who needs our help.

Do you want to support Sofinka even if you are not a student or UPCE employee?
Install the EPP app on your mobile phone via Android or Apple.
Choose the activity you want to record and click on the "Start Activity" ("Zahájit činnost") button. You must have your phone with you during the activity. When the activity is complete, click on "Support Project" ("Podpořit projekt") to find our sponsored project, Let's get the university moving for Sofinka (Rozhbejme univezitu pro Sofinku). Click on the "I want to support" ("Chci podpořit") button.

Or donate directly to the Naděje pro Sofinku account 2901822502/2010. 

Files for download Size
Guide for participants - pdf 705 kB