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Published: 08.01.2025

For the first in its history, the University of Pardubice has its own Ombudswoman who will deal with complaints and comments by students and employees involving social safety. The office will be held by Mgr. Zuzana Labudová, Ph.D., MBA.

“We have established the office of the Ombudsperson at the University of Pardubice to promote social safety. We also aim to offer further options to those who need assistance to deal with issues interfering with safe university environment,” said doc. Liběna Černohorská, Vice-Rector for Internal Affairs.

The University Ombudswoman may be approached by students and employee who face misconduct or other situations jeopardizing social safety in relation to their work of studies. Such situations include discrimination, bullying, unequal treatment or gender-based violence. It will be possible to contact the Ombudswoman in person, by post and by e-mail. University Ombudswoman | University of Pardubice

The Ombudswoman will deal with any complains filed by students and employees by the set deadline and will also act as a mediator in any disputes and conflicts related to social safety. The Ombudswoman will also engage in preventive actions in terms of social safety and provide support and counselling to those who approach her.

The establishment of the office is yet another measure adopted by the University of Pardubice to enhance safety within the SAFE UPCE initiative. The initiative incorporates issues related to ethical standards, student and employee care as well as non-discrimination, inclusion and equal opportunities. SAFE UPCE| University of Pardubice

Mgr. Zuzana Labudová, Ph.D., MBA has a degree in Language and Literary Culture from the Faculty of Education of the University of Hradec Králové and in Gender Studies from the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University in Prague, where she also earned her PhD in Applied Ethics. She has worked for NGOs focusing on equal opportunities training, she is also the leader of a team conducting equal opportunities audits and she has held the office of the Ombudswoman at the Crop Research Institute in Prague. She has been the Ombudswoman at the University of Pardubice and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University Prague since September 2024.

Pardubice, 7 January 2025

Mgr. Martina Macková

Head of the Promotion and External Affairs Unit of the University of Pardubice