Ukrainian refugees complete intensive Czech course
From 11 July to 5 August a group of 26 Ukrainian refugees participated in a 4-week intensive Czech language course offered by the University of Pardubice Language Centre, supported by the Pardubický Kraj and Úřad Práce. The lessons aimed to help them navigate daily life in the Czech Republic, and…
Vacant position - post-doc at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
UNIVERSITY OF PARDUBICE, The Faculty of Arts and Philosophy (FF) is hiring 1 junior or senior researcher in the following field: Current trends in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Faculty of Arts and Philosophy) - KA16
Covid Filter for Developing Countries
Scientists at the Centre for Materials and Nanotechnologies, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, have developed a personal filter against SARS-CoV-19 that could find its application in developing countries. Fitting into a backpack, the entire assembly does not use nanomateria…
Vacant position at the Faculty of Restoration
UNIVERSITY OF PARDUBICE, The Faculty of Restoration (FR) is hiring 1 postdoc researcher in the following field: 1 – KA14 – Materials research in the field of historical surfaces of architecture, artworks of stone and related materials
Armenian Ambassador visits UPCE
The University of Pardubice has been visited by the Armenian Ambassador to the Czech Republic Ashot Hovakimian. The reason for his visit was a unique project of research and documentation of archaeological sites in the eastern part of Armenia, which is being implemented by the experts of the Facu…
Invitation to the 18th session of the AS UPCE 24.5.2022
INVITATION to the 18th session of the Academic Senate of the University of Pardubice in the term of office 2020 – 2023 to be held on Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 2:00 pm in the Rectorate Meeting Room, Studentská 95 (4th floor). Programme: 1. Approval of …
Old Halls of Residence to Become Home to War Refugees
Former halls of residence of the University of Pardubice will be used as flats for Ukrainians fleeing war. More than 200 people will find refuge in the building. The management of the University of Pardubice has offered to the City of Pardubice the 12-storey building on Studentská Street, …
New Building for Students and Employees
The new university multi-purpose building has been certified for occupancy. The building still needs to be equipped and furnished to be ready to be used by students and employees of the University of Pardubice from May. The barrier-free building will also be accessible to students with dis…
Faculty of Health Studies of the University of Pardubice celebrates 15 years since its foundation
The Faculty of Health Studies is organizing a prestigious international conference Quality and its Perspectives with the subtitle New Challenges in Healthcare next week on Wednesday. The event, which also involves universities from Slovakia and Malta, is part of the celebration of the 15th annive…
Invitation to the 17th (extraordinary) session of the AS UPCE 26.4.2022
INVITATION to the 17th (extraordinary) session of the Academic Senate of the University of Pardubice in the term of office 2020 – 2023, to be held on Tuesday 26 April 2022 at 2 PM in the form of a video-conference Programme: 1. Approval of scrutineers. …