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doc. Ing. Liběna Černohorská, Ph.D.

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    Faculty of Economics and Administration

    Institute of Economic Sciences (40580)

    associate professor
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    Thursday: 10:30-11:30
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01. 04. 2025
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02. 04. 2025
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03. 04. 2025
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08. 04. 2025
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08. 04. 2025
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14. 04. 2025
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06. 05. 2025
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13. 05. 2025
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Education and academic qualifications

Hospodářská politika
Vysoká škol ekonomická v Praze, Národohospodářská fakulta
Název práce
Endogenita peněz v České republice
Ekonomika a řízení podniku
Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská
Hospodářská politika a správa
Univerzita Pardubice, Fakulta ekonomicko-správní

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Finanční akademii soutěže Zlatá koruna
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ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - KALIBÁNOVÁ, P. The Effectiveness of the Transmission Mechanism’s Credit Channel: A Case Study of the Visegrad Four Countries. In Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives : Proceedings of the 41st Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024. s. 357 - 372 s. ISBN 978-3-031-55812-2.
FIŠERA, T. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. The Economic Resilience Index in Pandemic Times: A Case Study for European Countries. In Hradec Economic Days Vol. 13. Part 1. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2023. s. 172-182 s. ISBN 978-80-7435-901-9.
VANÍČEK, B. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Analysis of the Impact of Selected Macroeconomic Aggregates on the Happiness Index in the Countries of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. In Hradec Economic Days Vol. 13. Part 1. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2023. s. 767-775 s. ISBN 978-80-7435-901-9.
TEPLÝ, P. - MAIVALD, M. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. An Alternative Assessment of Banks' Risk in a Low Interest Rate Environment HSE Economic Journal, 2022, vol. 26, no. 1, s. 104-119. ISSN: 1813-8691.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. The impacts of monetary policy of the Czech National Bank on selected economic indicators International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 2021, vol. 14, no. 1, s. 35-53. ISSN: 1752-0479.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - KLOFÁT, M. An Analysis of the Insurance Market in the Czech Republic. In SHS Web of Conferences. Volume 92 (2021). Les Ulis: EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences, 2021. s. 1-10 s.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - PÁBLOVÁ, M. - VANÍČEK, B. The impact of monetary policy on economic indicators: A case study of the Czech Republic. In 74th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development : book of proceedings. Varazdin: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, 2021. s. 123-133 s.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - KUBICOVÁ, D. Risks and the influence of negative interest rates on economic activity: A case study of Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland Banks and bank systems, 2020, vol. 15, no. 1, s. 30-41. ISSN: 1816-7403.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - MALÉŘ, P. MÁ MĚNOVÝ AGREGÁT M3 VLIV NA INFLACI? PŘÍPADOVÁ STUDIE ČESKÉ REPUBLIKY, ŠVÝCARSKA A IZRAELE Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2019, vol. 27, no. 47, s. 41-52. ISSN: 1211-555X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - JANDEROVÁ, J. - PROCHÁZKOVÁ, V. Monetary Policy Before And After The Financial Crisis: Risks, Economic And Legislative Impacts. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Finance. Vilnius: Diamond Scientific Publication, 2019. s. 1-17 s. ISBN 978-609-485-035-6.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - KOŤÁTKKOVÁ STRÁNSKÁ, P. - BROKLOVÁ, K. DETERMINANTS OF BANK PROFITABILITY: EVIDENCE FROM THE CZECH BANKS. In 44th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development : book of proceedings. Varazdin: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, 2019. s. 137-146 s.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Endogeneity of money: The case of the Сzech Republic Journal of International Studies, 2018, vol. 11, no. 4, s. 155-168. ISSN: 2071-8330.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - KLEJZAR, V. Dopady (ne)konvenčních měnových politik vybraných centrálních bank na hdp a inflaci Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2018, vol. 25, no. 42, s. 29-40. ISSN: 1211-555X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. The Impact of Monetary Policy on CPI and GDP in the Czech Republic and Switzerland for the Period 2000-2016. In Hradec Economic Days 2018. Part 1. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, 2018. s. 140-150 s. ISBN 978-80-7435-700-8.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - KULA, V. Vliv vybraných ukazatelů bankovního sektoru na ekonomický růst zemí Eurozóny Acta academica karviniensia, 2017, vol. 1, no. zima, s. 18-27. ISSN: 1212-415X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. THE EFFECT OF M3 MONETARY AGGREGATES AND BANK LOANS ON THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF COUNTRIES IN THE EUROZONE, US AND JAPAN Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2017, vol. 2, no. 2.6.2017, s. 27-38. ISSN: 1211-555X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - PILYAVSKYY, A. - AARONSON, W. COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE OF THE VISEGRAD GROUP BANKS FOR THE PERIOD 2009 -2013 E+M Ekonomie a Management, 2017, vol. 2, no. jaro, s. 175-187. ISSN: 1212-3609.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. The Efficiency of Selected Banking Sectors in the European Union Financial Assets and Investing, 2017, vol. 1, no. zima, s. 5-18. ISSN: 1804-5081.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - KLEJZAR, V. The relationship between M3 and consumer price index in the Czech Republic. In New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences. Kyrenia: SciencePark Research, Organization and Counseling, 2017. s. 226-236 s.
PILYAYSKYY, A. - AARONSON, W. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Comparative analysis of the total factor of productivity changes for banks of Visegrad group for the period 2009-2013. In The 11th Professor Aleksander Zelias International Conference on Modelling and Forecasting of Socio-Economic Phenomena : conference proceedings. Krakov: Foundation of the Cracow University of Economics, 2017. s. 339-348 s. ISBN 978-83-65173-85-0.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - KULA, V. The European central banks and its (un)conventional monetary policy Organizational and economic mechanisms of development of the financial system, 2016, vol. 2, no. 12, s. 53-61. ISSN: 1877-0444.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Comparison of the efficiency of selected European banking sectors. In European Financial Systems 2016 : proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Conference. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. s. 72-78 s. ISBN 978-80-210-8308-0.
TEPLÝ, P. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Why will Basel III fail?. In Proceedings of ICIDRET 2016. New Delhi: ASDF, 2016. s. 5-8 s. ISBN 978-81-929866-0-9.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - KULA, V. Does a relationship exist between the development of the banking sector and the economic growth of Eurozone?. In Economic and Social Development : 18th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – “Building Resilient Society” : book of proceedings. Varazdin: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, 2016. s. 262-269 s.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Factors Influencing Bank Profitability of Czech Banks and Their International Parent Companies International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 2015, vol. 12, no. prosinec 2015, s. 3889-3894. ISSN: nemá.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Komparace bankovních systémů a centrálních bank v České republice a ve Velké Británii Acta academica karviniensia, 2015, vol. 1, no. zima 2015, s. 19-31. ISSN: 1212-415X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Komplexní pohled do bankovního světa. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2015. 171 s. ISBN: 978-80-7395-863-3.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - KOŤÁTKOVÁ STRÁNSKÁ, P. An Analysis of the Similarity of Selected Banks in Central and Eastern Europe. In Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practice. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2015. s. 191-202 s. ISBN 978-80-7454-482-8.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - PROKOP, V. The Profitability Analysis of Selected Czech Banks and Their Foreign Owners. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Finance and Banking. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2015. s. 32-39 s. ISBN 978-80-7510-186-0.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Profitability Analysis of Selected Czech Banks and their Foreign Owners. In SGEM2015: Conference Proceedings. Book 2. Vol. 2. Sofie: STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2015. s. 283-290 s. ISBN 978-619-7105-47-6.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ROUAG, A. Komparace bankovních sektorů v České republice a ve Velké Británii. In Mezinárodní vědecká konference Hradecké ekonomické dny 2015: Sborník recenzovaných příspěvků. Díl I. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2015. s. 147-153 s. ISBN 978-80-7435-546-2.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Impact of Financial Crisis on the Stability Banking Sectors in the Czech Republic and Great Britain. In Procedia Economics and Finance. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science BV, 2015. s. 234-241 s.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - HONZA, F. Komparace bankovních systémů v zemích bývalé Jugoslávie Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2014, vol. 21, no. 30, s. 17-28. ISSN: 1211-555X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. The Criticism of Basel II Based on Credit Risk Modelling. In Political Sciences, Law, Finance, Economics and Tourism: Conference proceedings. Volume II, "Finance". Sofia: SGEM, 2014. s. 721-728 s. ISBN 978-619-7105-26-1.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Nekonveční měnová politika vybraných centrálních bank v době finanční krize. In Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference Region v rozvoji společnosti 2014. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2014. s. 144-156 s. ISBN 978-80-7509-139-0.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - HONZA, F. Specifics of Banking Sectors in the Countries of Former Yugoslavia. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Finance and Banking. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2014. s. 42-50 s. ISBN 978-80-7248-939-8.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - FLOSOVÁ, H. Monetary Policy of Central Banks in the Times of Financial Crises. In Political Sciences, Law, Finance, Economics and Tourism: Conference proceedings. Volume II, "Finance". Sofia: SGEM, 2014. s. 495-502 s. ISBN 978-619-7105-26-1.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. - KYNCLOVÁ, L. Integrace dluhopisových trhů. In Sborník recenzovaných příspěvků z mezinárodní konference Hradecké ekonomické dny 2014, díl I.. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2014. s. 157-164 s. ISBN 978-80-7435-366-6.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - LINHARTOVÁ, V. Indebtedness of Czech Households Acta academica karviniensia, 2013, vol. XIII, no. 3, s. 44-55. ISSN: 1212-415X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - STRNADOVÁ, L. Využití shlukové analýzy při vyhodnocení podobnosti fiskálních politik členských států EMU Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2013, vol. 20, no. 27, s. 23-33. ISSN: 1211-555X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - LINHARTOVÁ, V. The Impact of Corruption on Soundness of Banking Sector. In Finance a výkonnost firem ve vědě, výuce a praxi. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2013. s. 199-208 s. ISBN 978-80-7454-246-6.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - FILIP, J. Specifics of the Banking Sectors in the Countries of Former Yugoslavia. In 14th International Conference on Finance and Banking Financial Regulation and Supervision in the Ater-Crisis Period. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2013. s. 52-61 s. ISBN 978-80-7248-892-6.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - LINHARTOVÁ, V. The Impact of Corruption on the Banking Sector. In Experience, problems and prospects of consumer market development. Samara: Samara Institute of the Russian State University, 2013. s. 131-136 s. ISBN 978-5-903878-49-9.
LINHARTOVÁ, V. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - TEPLÝ, P. - ŠINKA, M. The Role of Private Equity during Global Crises World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2012, vol. Neuveden, no. 65, s. 783-787. ISSN: 2010-376X.
TEPLÝ, P. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. The Rise nad Fall of Credit Default Swaps. In Topical Issues of Science, Economy and Education in the XXI Century. Samara: Samara Institute of the Russian State University, 2012. s. 370-379 s. ISBN 978-5-903878-29-1.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - LINHARTOVÁ, V. The Development of Loans and Savings of Households in the Czech Republic. In Topical Issues of Science, Economy and Education in the XXI Century. Samara: Samara Institute of the Russian State University, 2012. s. 391-403 s. ISBN 978-5-903878-29-1.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ILKOVÁ, M. - TEPLÝ, P. Models of Dividend Distribution and Taxation Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2011, vol. 19, no. 1, s. 5-16. ISSN: 1211-555X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - LINHARTOVÁ, V. Analýza zadluženosti domácností Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2011, vol. 16, no. 22, s. 31-43. ISSN: 1211-555X.
TEPLÝ, P. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. The Pending Global Crisis: A Dark Future ahead of Us?. In Changing Perspectives of Management. Kathmandu: Nepalese Academy of Management, 2011. s. 221-233 s.
ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - TEPLÝ, P. Key Economic Policy Lessons from the 2008 Financial Crisis Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 2010, vol. 10, no. 2, s. 123-134. ISSN: 1303-0876.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - RIPPEL, M. - TEPLÝ, P. Key Operational Risk Management Techniques Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2010, vol. 15, no. 16, s. 41-49. ISSN: 1211-555X.
TEPLÝ, P. - HU, L. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Credit Risk Management Lessons from Czech Banks for the Chinese Banking Sector. In Credit Risk and Financial Crises. 1. vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2010. 14 s. ISBN: 978-80-246-1872-2.
TEPLÝ, P. - HAVEL, J. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Perspectives on a New Global Financial Platform. In Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences. Boston: Harvard University, 2010. s. 100-107 s.
ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Politický cyklus v České republice Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2009, vol. 14, no. Spec.Ed., s. 27-35. ISSN: 1211-555X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. - TEPLÝ, P. Implications of the 2008 Financial Crisis for World Financial Markets Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2009, vol. 14, no. 14, s. 13-26. ISSN: 1211-555X.
TETŘEVOVÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. - JIRÁSKOVÁ, K. - SABOLOVÁ, V. - STŘÍTESKÁ, M. - STEJSKAL, J. Veřejný a podnikatelský sektor. Příbram: Professional Publishing, 2009. 190 s. ISBN: 978-80-86946-90-0.
TETŘEVOVÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. - JIRÁSKOVÁ, K. - SABOLOVÁ, V. - STŘÍTESKÁ, M. - STEJSKAL, J. - MAKOVSKÝ, Z. Vybrané aspekty projektů partnerství veřejného a soukromého sektoru. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2009. 104 s. ISBN: 978-80-7395-169-6.
TEPLÝ, P. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. Strategic Implications of the 2008 Financial Crisis. In World Summit on Global Economic Crisis. Michigan: Global Strategic Management, Inc., 2009. s. 21-43 s.
TEPLÝ, P. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ZEMAN, L. Negative and Positive Lessons from the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis. In Global Conference on Business and Finance Proceedings. Hilo: Institute for Business and Finance Research, 2009. s. 131-140 s.
ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Potential Attitudes Solving the Problems of Banking Stability Working Papers in Economics, 2007, vol. 24, no. 24, s. 25-40. ISSN: 1406-4928.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - TEPLÝ, P. - DIVIŠ, K. Implications of the New Basel Capital accord for European Banks E+M Ekonomie a Management, 2007, vol. X, no. 2, s. 58-64. ISSN: 1212-3609.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. Současné přístupy k predikci míry inflace pomocí Phillipsovy křivky Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2007, vol. 11, no. 11, s. 17-29. ISSN: 1211-555X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. THE BANKING STABILITY IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC BASED ON DISCRIMINANT AND CLUSTER ANALYSES Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 2007, vol. 7, no. 2, s. 46-55. ISSN: 1303-0876.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. Komparace vybraných finančních ukazatelů českých bank a jejich zahraničních vlastníků Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2007, vol. 12, no. 12, s. 26-37. ISSN: 1211-555X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. Hodnocení krajů na základě shlukové analýzy. In Aktuální otázky rozvoje regionů 2007. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007. s. 1-8 s. ISBN 978-80-7194-978-7.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Komparace vývoje nezaměstnanosti v České republice a na Slovensku Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2006, vol. 10, no. 10, s. 34-43. ISSN: 1211-555X.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. The Option of the Classification of the Banking Stability. In International finance symposium 2006 "Financial Sector Intergration: Review and Steps Ahead". Istanbul: Marmara University, 2006. s. 639-648 s. ISBN 975-400-291-6.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. - ČERNOHORSKÝ, J. The Evaluation of Banking Stability Based on Statistical Analysis. In 4th International Symposium "International business administration". Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2006. s. 83-91 s. ISBN 80-7248-353-6.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. The Evaluation of Banking Stability based on discriminant analysis. In Medzinárodné vedecké dni 2006 - Konkurencieschopnosť v EÚ - výzva pre krajiny V4. Nitra: Slovenská poľnohospodárská univerzita v Nitre, 2006. s. 1340-1348 s. ISBN 80-8069-704-3.
TEPLÁ, L. Problémy vzájemných vztahů stabilního rozvoje bank a podniků. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2005. 27 s. ISBN: 80-214-2898-8.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. The Evaluation of Banking Stability on Discriminant Analysis. In Future of the Banking after the Year 2000 in the World and in the Czech Republic. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2005. s. 97-109 s. ISBN 80-7248-342-0.
TEPLÁ, L. Současná regionální politika Evropské unie jako kombinovaná politika. In Aktuální otázky rozvoje regionů. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2005. s. 317-321 s. ISBN 80-7194-777-6.
TEPLÁ, L. Financial Indicators of Rentability as an Example of Czech Banks. In Finans sektorunde bilgi yonetimi ve olcek ekonomileri iliskisi. Istanbul, Turecko: Marmara university, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005. s. 4 s.
TEPLÁ, L. Využití diskriminační analýzy při hodnocení stability banky. In Firma a konkurenční prostředí 2005. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2005. s. 162-167 s. ISBN 80-7302-104-8.
ČERNOHORSKÁ, L. Analýza podnikatelské základny v Pardubickém kraji. In Teoretické aspekty prierezových ekonomík III. Košice: Royal Unicorn, s.r.o., 2005. s. 67-72 s. ISBN 80-969181-4-1.
TEPLÁ, L. - MAZÁK, R. Financial Indicators of Rentability on Example of Czech Banks in the Period 1995-2002 Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2004, vol. 9, no. 1, s. 117-125. ISSN: 1211-555X.
TEPLÁ, L. Evalualtion of Czech Banks Stability in the Years 1995 - 2002. In 10. mezinárodní konference Slezské univerzity, Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta. Karviná: SBA SU Karviná, 2004. s. 232-244 s. ISBN 80-7248-271-8.
TEPLÁ, L. Prognóza úspěšného vývoje banky na základě diskriminační analýzy. In National and Regional Economics V. Košice: Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2004. s. 611-619 s. ISBN 80-8073-223-X.
TEPLÁ, L. Chování bankovní a podnikové sféry jako důsledek struktury trhu. In Public administration 2004. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2004. s. 338-344 s. ISBN 80-7194-684-2.
TEPLÁ, L. Rozvojové programy pro malé a střední podniky poskytované Ministerstvem průmyslu a obchodu. In Aktuální otázky rozvoje regionů IV. Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita, 2004. s. 155-161 s. ISBN 80-213-1246-7.
TEPLÁ, L. Analýzy vybraných finančních ukazatelů českých bank v letech 1995 - 2002. In Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislavě. Košice: EU v Bratislave, Podnikovohospodářská fakulta v Košicích, 2004. s. 336-347 s. ISBN 80-969181-1-7.
TEPLÁ, L. Místní Agenda 21 a udržitelný rozvoj měst. In Aktuální otázky rozvoje regionů. Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita, 2004. s. 124-130 s. ISBN 80-213-1246-7.
TEPLÁ, L. Stabilita bankovního sektoru v ČR. In Trasformace hospodářství ČR před vstupem do EU. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2003. s. 1-4 s. ISBN 80-7083-738-1.


Utilization of Advanced Methods and Technologies for Supporting Innovation Ecosystems in the National Economy
01.01.25 - 31.12.25
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Analysis of the factors affecting the sustainability, resilience and competitiveness of regions and regional innovation systems
01.01.24 - 31.12.24
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Geen deal UPCE
01.01.24 - 31.12.25
Programme: Green Deal - Component 7.4.
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

The Selected Aspects of Economic and Financial Market Developments in the Period of Monetary Policy Normalisation and Non-Economic Shocks
01.01.23 - 31.12.23
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Further development of teaching competences
01.01.23 - 31.12.23
Programme: Institucionální plán 2022-2025
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

Support for use of on-line study materials
01.01.23 - 31.12.23
Programme: Institucionální plán 2022-2025
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

Project under the National Recovery Plan for Higher Education sector 2022-2024
01.03.22 - 31.12.24
Programme: National Recovery Plan
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

Digitalization of Study Agendas, New Technologies, Systems and Approaches to Teaching at UPCE - DANTE
01.03.22 - 31.12.24
Programme: National Recovery Plan - SO A
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

The Selected Aspects of the Development of Economies and Financial Markets in Pandemic and Post-pandemic Era
01.01.22 - 31.12.22
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

O4A -Development of analyses -Improving the university quality concept- internal affairs
01.01.22 - 31.12.22
Programme: Institucionální plán 2022-2025
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

New teching methods for the education in the 21st century
15.03.21 - 30.11.21
Programme: Internal Development Fund 2021
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

A comprehensive analysis of the economic and social aspects of the sustainable innovation ecosystems´ functioning with regard to the role of the public sector
01.01.21 - 31.12.21
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Advanced analysis of economic and social aspects of public policies and their dynamics in the context of efficiency and sustainability
01.01.20 - 31.12.20
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Economic Aspects´ Dynamic of Public Policies in Efficiency and Sustainability Context
01.01.19 - 31.12.19
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

The process of digital transformation of economies at subnational level
01.01.18 - 31.12.18
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Administration and management of the environment of the industrial revolution 4.0
01.01.17 - 31.12.17
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Economic and social development in private and public sector
01.01.16 - 31.12.16
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

The Innovation of the Subject Banking Transaction
01.01.16 - 31.12.16
Programme: Internal development competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

Economic and social development in private and public sector
01.01.15 - 31.12.15
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Research activities in the field "Economic Policy and Administration"
01.01.14 - 31.12.14
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

07.06.06 - 30.06.07
Programme: Analysis and verification of veracity and applicability of collected data, incl. their incorporation by origin and content
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator