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05/25/2021 - 09:43

The University of Pardubice Listed Among Top 1000 Universities Globally

The University of Pardubice has again been recognised as one of the topic 1000 universities globally, with an overall ranking in of 801-1000. In Emerging Europe and Central Asia, the University improved on its position last year, and is ranked 129th in 2021. Each year, the QS World Univers…

05/24/2021 - 10:18

From Sugar to Fame

Sixteen months. For such a long time did the experts from the Faculty of Restoration keep a 7,000 years old well in sugar solution. They aimed to preserve the oldest wooden structure worldwide, found by archaeologists near Ostrov na Chrudimsku in 2018. They succeeded. Experts have just taken out …

05/24/2021 - 10:15

EGNOS Soon to Monitor Rail Traffic

The rail traffic management in Europe will become more modern and safer thanks to the EGNOS satellite navigation system that has been used in civil aviation up to now. The use of satellite navigation for train positioning also involves reduction of operation costs. Aleš Filip, Associate Professor…

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05/14/2021 - 14:05

The Chemiklání Chemistry Race races all the way to England!

The Czech Republic exports many things, but now we can add Chemiklání, the Chemistry Race that started at the University of Pardubice, to the list! Cambridge University in England again offered the Chemistry Race to school children this year. Teams solve a set of theoretical tasks within a…

05/10/2021 - 13:24

Smell Training Can Work Wonders

Smell is extremely important in social relations. In some cases, losing smell may well result in losing a job. As many as 20% of the population suffer from impaired smell. COVID-19 patients also lose their sense of smell for a limited period of time. How to regain the sense of smell? In this inte…

05/10/2021 - 13:10

Jan Grulich: "Assume Responsibility to Have an Impact"

Both of his offices are stored in his laptop that he carries in his backpack. Jan Grulich, a graduate from the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, a senator for the Rychnov constituency and the headmaster of a primary school in Dobřany, became a politician and won the Headmaster of the Year award in …

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05/06/2021 - 10:42

Vacant position - Nursing or clinical medicine expert

UNIVERSITY OF PARDUBICE, the Faculty of Health Studies is hiring 1 postdoc researcher in the following field: Nursing or clinical medicine expert with the support of the project no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0016969 “International mobility of employees at the …

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04/27/2021 - 13:05

Vacant position - Post-doc in the field "Gender history of spa treatment, institutionalization, and creation of expert knowledge in the transnational context in 19th and 20th century"

UNIVERSITY OF PARDUBICE, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy is hiring 1 postdoc researchers in the following field: Gender history of spa treatment, institutionalization, and creation of expert knowledge in the transnational context in 19th and 20th century with the support of…

04/26/2021 - 12:19

New University Magazine - MY UPCE

The University of Pardubice is on the move, fast developing, and so is the newsletter which is changing to be more interesting and attractive. It is aimed at all readers from the University and beyond. The new volume of the University Newsletter, which you will find at individual faculties…

Sport event
Get the University Running

Get the University Running

Get the University running! This call is a perfect match with springtime. Come along and let´s do something for our fitness and good mood. Run with us through the whole April and collect points for your faculty. Distance does not matter and nor does time. What matters, is that you strengthen your…