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Policy of Open and Transparent Recruitment of New Employees at the University of Pardubice

On 18. 12. 2021, the University of Pardubice (UPCE) adopted the European standards of human resources development laid down in the European Charter for Researchers (the Charter) and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (the Code). Based on the statement made by the European Commission on 6. 10. 2021, UPCE had met the conditions for being awarded the HR Excellence in Research Award (HR Award), by which it had committed itself, among other things, to a permanent improvement of procedures and conduct during recruitment of new researchers and other groups of staff.   

Accepting new employees at UPCE abides mainly by rules stipulated in the Rules of the Selection Procedure of the University of Pardubice in accordance with Section 77, Paragraph 3 of the Act no. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act) as amended.

Other documents which are relevant during the recruitment procedure are mainly:

  • Internal Wage Regulations of the University of Pardubice,
  • Directive no. 4/2020, Work Regulations of the University of Pardubice, as amended by Amendments no. 1 and 2,
  • Collective Agreement as amended by Amendments no. 1, 2, and 3.

Basic Principles of OTM-R 

(Open, Transparent, Merit-based Recruitment) at UPCE


UPCE publishes information about job vacancies on its notice board as well as on its website ( If the character and type of the vacancy requires, nationwide web portals are used, e.g. If it is a position of an academic or a researcher and it is relevant within the context, the vacancy is advertised also in the English language and on international portals, e.g. Euraxess.


For the sake of clarity, the procedure of new employees selection is simplified to the maximum extent. The description of such procedure is published on the university website, by which it is made accessible to candidates from outside the university as well as the university employees. Candidates are informed of all the possible changes in the selection procedure which might be of concern to them. At the same time, all participants of the selection procedure are notified about its outcome.

Merit evaluation

When evaluating the candidates` merit, their professional qualification, previous results, experience and knowledge, skills and potential of their development, alternatively also their personality traits are taken into consideration. The biggest emphasis is always laid on the vacancy being filled by the most suitable applicant, regardless of their sex, age, ethnicity or other discriminative facts.

OTM-R policy is used at UPCE in all the stages of selection and recruitment procedure:

Advertising the job vacancy and all related information

Based on the openness and transparency of the procedures related to new staff recruitment, UPCE publishes all available information in a way that their comprehensivness is ensured to the potential candidates. Vacancies are always published at least on the notice board and the university website. The published job offer (alternatively a link to the university website) includes:

  • Name of the vacancy announcer/initiator
  • type of work, possibly indication of the work position, department and the particular work place
  • job description,
  • length of a set weekly working time and length of the employment duration,
  • qualification requirements and other prerequisites for filling the vacancy,
  • expected or required date of work commencement,
  • list of required documents from the candidate,
  • information about when, how and in what form shall the candidate submit the application and what are the required attachments to the application,
  • alternatively a possibility of career growth.

In the interest of openness, the majority of vacancies to be filled, especially vacancies for academic and research workers, should be published in Czech as well as the English language. Provided that a vacancy is published also in English, it is recommended to advertise on internationally recognized portals such as Euraxess too.

Evaluation and selection procedure

Setting up a selection commission must always be transparent. When setting up the commission, the organizer pays attention to high expertise of its members in relation to the vacancies and to their moral impeccability. Gender and age balance of the board members is also aspired to. Decision-making of the board members must be independent and based on objective grounds, without being influenced by personal preference.

When evaluating the candidates` suitability, the level and length of their work experience is taken into account, as are their work results and their lifelong proffesional development. Also other facts are taken into consideration, such as performance of the so-called third role in society, experience within non-research activities and experience acquired within an international mobility.

Final evaluation and selection procedure completion

All participating candidates are informed about the outcome of the particular selection procedure.

If the candidate requests feedback on their participation in the selection procedure, this information is provided in compliance with the terms stipulated in the Rules of the Selection Procedure of UPCE.