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University of Pardubice has four dining halls:

  • Main Dining Hall – located on the 1st floor of the dining hall building – a range of meals in the current offer without pre-ordering
  • Dining Hall II – on the ground floor of the dining hall building – only pre-ordered meals, additional offer (coffee, beverages, baguettes,…)
  • Dining Hall at the Nám. Čs. Legií (Legií square) (FEEI) – only pre-ordered meals
  • Dining Hall Doubravice – only pre-ordered meals

We offer you:

  • soups
  • meat dishes
  • meatless, vegetarian or vegan dishes
  • gluten-free meals
  • meals made-to-order
  • vegetable salads and main course salads
  • additional range of products (baguettes, beverages, sweets, desserts, ice-cream, …)

It is necessary to pre-order your meal only if you want to eat in the Dining Hall II, Dining Hall in Doubravice or Dining Hall at the Nám. Čs. Legií (FEEI).

Orders can be made in the following ways:

  • in the ISKaM system. For logging into the system, use your netID with the connected domain ( and the password to your netID account, which can be obtained in the Library, Copy Centre or Card Issuing Office in the Information Centre.
  • at the terminals located in the Dining Hall II, Dining Hall in Doubravice and Dining Hall at Nám. Čs. Legií.

When ordering the meal, please choose the date → choose the dining hall → choose the meal.

Ordering (as well as cancelling) the meals for can be done until 8:00 on the particular day. If you cancel the order later, the meal will be offered to other users of the catering services in the so-called meal exchange (burza jídel).

For ordering the meal it is necessary to have enough money on your student card.

Students pay a discounted price for the main course. However, this applies only to meals paid with the student card.

Each course (soup, main course, salad, drink, …) has a separate price.

The price of each meal is calculated individually with regard to the ingredients used for its preparation.

Each calendar month, the student is allowed to have such number of discounted meals which equals twice the number of working days in that particular month.

There is no monitoring of the number of meals per single day. The student pays the full price only for the meals exceeding the monthly limit.

Each student has a personal account in the ISKaM system. Through this account, all payments for catering services in the Dining Halls and for the accommodation at the Halls of Residence are carried out and all transactions are registered here –

The ways of depositing money into the account are listed below:

a)  by card payment

  • payment terminal, the vestibule of the Main Dining Hall – 1st floor (only the payments up to 500 CZK)
  • payment terminal, the entrance hall of KC building (payments higher than 500 CZK are possible)
  • Cash Office of the Accommodation Centre (ground floor of KC building), Reception of the Halls of Residence
  • payments by EC/MC, MAESTRO, VISA cards are accepted

b) by the payment card via the Internet payment gateway GP WEBPAY in the ISKaM system

  • access to the payment gateway via the ISKaM system: logging into the ISKaM system – menu Profile (Účet) – section Accounts (Konta) – Main Account (Hlavní konto) – button Recharge / Add money  (Nabít)

c) by bank transfer or depositing money to the SKM account

  • SKM bank account: 36935561/0100
  • Payment reference number (Variabilní symbol) – a unique number generated for each student in the ISKaM system.  You can find the number on the web interface of the ISKaM system if you choose the option Profile / Basic Data (Účet / Základní údaje)
  • stating the correct reference number is a basic pre-condition for the attribution of payments to the particular client

d) cash payment

  • cash payments are accepted only in exceptional cases at the cash desks of the main Dining Hall, Dining Hall II (the ground floor of the main Dining Hall) and at the cash desk of the Accommodation Centre (the ground floor of the Building C at the Halls of Residence)

Withdrawing money from the student account

Money withdrawal is possible only upon terminating your study.

Please send your requests for withdrawing the balance (the money remaining on your account) via email to or

It is possible to withdraw an amount up to 100 CZK in cash at the cash desk in the Dining Hall or in the cash office of the Accommodation Centre (Building C of the Halls of Residence, ground floor).

A debt on the ISKaM account

If you are a student accommodated at the Halls of Residence and your Accommodation Fee was not paid in due time, the outstanding amount will generate a “negative amount” on your account. If you deposit the lowest required amount of 200 CZK to your card, this deposit will be used only for the payment of your current meal and the remaining credit will automatically be used for settling the amount which is owed = the debt on your Accommodation Fee. In this way, you will recharge the card repeatedly for your meals in the Dining Hall until the debt on your Accommodation Fee is settled.

Losing your student card

In case you lose your student card, you can block it in the ISKaM system:


BLP – gluten-free meals 

VEG – vegan meals

B – vegetarian

R - fish 

V - offal

S – sweet dishes

Students can also have discounted meals in the following contractual dining halls:

Scolarest Litomyšl

Secondary Nursing School (SZŠ) Pardubice – Černá za Bory

Stiasini – the building of the Faculty of Transport Engineering

Secondary Technical School (VOŠ a SŠT) Česká Třebová

When using the catering services of contractual dining halls, the rules of that particular dining hall apply.

We are happy to accept your orders for the following range of products:

  • desserts, mini-desserts, cakes
  • sandwiches (20 pieces and more), cold snacks
  • schnitzels

We accept all orders 2 days in advance (in case of cakes and mini-desserts, 3 days in advance) in person or by phone on 466 036 313 or 466 036 314.

If you have any suggestions or comments on the catering services, please send them via email to

Catering services for students follow the Directive No. 4/2008.