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Collective Membership

The University of Pardubice is active collective member especially in following international institutions:

EUA – European University Association
EUNIS – European University Information Systems
IGIP – International Society for Engineering Education
FEANI – Fédération Européenne d´Assotiations Nationales d´Ingénieurs

Individual Membership

Faculties, departments and academic employees are members of number of scientific and professional organizations and associations:

Jan Perner Transport Faculty

ERA-NET TRANSPORT (ENT) "European Research Area" (ERA)
European Commission (Programme Committee - 7th Framework Programme)
EUCEET - European Civil Engineering Education and Training
EVU - Europänischen Vereinigung für Unfallforschung und Unfallanalyse eV.
Royal Geographical Society
EURARCH - European Academy of Architecture
EurAAP - the European Association on Antennas and Propagation
IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
EUROSYS - The European Professional Society for Systems
Federal Railway Authority
International Union of Radio Science
IRF - International Road Federation
ITA/AITES - International Tunnelling Association
Rad-Schiene, HTW – Dresden
UITP - International Association of Public Transport

Faculty of Economics and Administration

EAIE - European Association for International Education
RSAI - Regional Science Association International
IGIP - International Society for Engineering Education
APIE - Society of Optical and Electronic Engineers
ERSA - European Regional Science Association
EURA - European Urban Research Association
HABITAT - United Nations Human Settlements Programme
GISIG - Geographic Information System International Group
International Institute of Public Finance
NASC - National Standards Committee
SME - Society of Manufacturing Engineers
SŠDS - Slovak Statistic and Demographic Association

Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

SFEDS - Société Francaise d´Étude du XVIIIe siecle
Société Napoléonienne Internationale
EURETHNO - Fédération Européenne des Réseaux du Conseil de l´Europe
ISCHE - International Standing Conference for the History of Education
EFFE - European Forum for Freedom in Education
Academia Mexicana de la Historia
American Academy of Religion
Anthropology Southern Africa
Arbeitskreis für Hausforschung
Dalton International
DGBV - The German Society for Educational Administration
EASA - European Association of Social Anthropologists
European Association for Population Studies
European Sociological Association
IATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
International Commission for Historical Demography
IUAES - International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Österreichische Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts
Pan African Association of Anthropologists
Polish-Czech Educational Association
Slovak Ethnographic Society
TESOL - Teachers of English Speakers of Other Languages Inc. - Global education association
WAER - World Association for Educational Research

Faculty of Chemical Technology

Italian Proteomic Society
Non-Oxide Glass Society
IEEE Control Systems Society
European Photochemistry Association
Slovenská farmaceutická společnost
The Mediterranean Separation Science Foundation Research and Training Center
CEGSS - Central European Group for Separation Sciences
IUPAC - The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
FATIPEC - Federation of Paint Chemists and Technicians Associations for Continental Europe
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Technical Association of the Graphics Arts
International Association of Research Organisations for the Printing, Information and Communication Industries
International Thermoelectric Academy
IUPAC - The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Subcommittee on Sructural and Mechanistic Chemistry (Organic and Biomolecular Division)
International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
The European Membrane Society
European Federation of Chemical Engineering, Working Party on Membranes
The Filtration Society
Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry
ACS - American Chemical Society
International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
International Union for Crystalography
ACS - American Chemical Society
OCCA - Oil and Colour Chemists Association
FATIPEC - Federation of Paint Chemists and Technicians Associations for Continental Europe
IPCG - International Polymer Colloids Group, University of Technology, Eindhoven
European Federation of Catalytic Societies
IUPAC - The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
International Society of Explosives Engineers
ACS - American Chemical Society
European Federation of Explosives Engineers
Slovenská spoločnosť pre trhacie a vŕtacie práce
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
European Chemical Society
European Membrane Society
European Optical Society
FEANI - Fédération Européenne d´Assotiation Nationales d´Ingénieurs
Filtration Society
International Biographical Centre
International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Arts, Technology and Management
International Mass Sepctrometry Foundation
International Materials Institute Pensylvania
International Society of Electrochemistry
Literati Club
Materials Research Society
Science Foundation Research and Training Center
Slovak Association for Surface Alterations

Faculty of Restoration

Faculty of Health Studies
European Menopause and Andropause Society
European Society of Cardiology
EMASH (European Medical Association Smoking or Health)
Federation of European National Menopause Societies
International College of Surgeons
International Menopause Society
Nordostdeutsche Gesellschaft für Otorhino-laryngologie und zervikofaciale Chirurgie
North American Menopause Society
Quebec Order of Nurses
Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
Slovak Otorhinolaryngological Society
die Vereinigung der mitteldeutschen Hals-Nasen-Ohrenärzte

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

ETS - European Thermoelectric Society
Akademia inženernych nauk Rossijskoj federacii - Moskva
International Academy of Electrotechnical Science - Moskva
International Informatization Academy - Moskva
AECEF - The Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties