Want to get the most out of your exchange experience? Study at the University of Pardubice.
- Study in the heart of Europe
- Meet over 500 other international students
- Choose courses from any of our 7 faculties
- Take advantage of guaranteed accommodation right on campus
- Follow the ESN Pardubice facebook and instagram for leisure time activities
- Get support from your own dedicated buddy
- Get in touch with our friendly and helpful staff
- Follow these steps
What students shared about their stay in Pardubice?
"Helpful and nice staff in Faculty of Health Studies, hospital, and also in EMS. 100% support with everything and especially during difficult covid19-pandemic."
Vuorinen Ville
Erasmus student at the Faculty of Health Studies

"This experience allowed me to make many international friends and complete my studies in a different, but welcoming environment."
Arthur Demaeght
Erasmus student at Faculty of Transportation Engineering