Martina Votoupalová CEEPUS, Erasmus+ Incoming Mobility Rectorate and University Units 466 036 445 Mgr. Věra Albrechtová Erasmus+ KA171 Mobility Rectorate and University Units 466 036 350 Do you have any questions? Contact us! Your email Your question What are you looking for? new partnership information for student exchange information for staff exchange What faculty are you interested in? - None - Not sure yet Arts and Philosphy Chemical Technology Economics and Administration Electrical Engineering and Informatics Health Studies Restoration Transport Engineering Your personal data will be used only to allow our employees to answer your questions. We will store the data for a period of 6 (six) months, after which they will be anonymised. If you are interested in how the University of Pardubice handles personal data, you can read our Opening Statement of the University of Pardubice about the Protection of Pesonal Data. Leave this field blank
Your email Your question What are you looking for? new partnership information for student exchange information for staff exchange What faculty are you interested in? - None - Not sure yet Arts and Philosphy Chemical Technology Economics and Administration Electrical Engineering and Informatics Health Studies Restoration Transport Engineering Your personal data will be used only to allow our employees to answer your questions. We will store the data for a period of 6 (six) months, after which they will be anonymised. If you are interested in how the University of Pardubice handles personal data, you can read our Opening Statement of the University of Pardubice about the Protection of Pesonal Data. Leave this field blank