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Prof. Ing. Petra Bajerová, Ph.D. 

“For me, the University of Pardubice, my alma mater, means an inspiring environment, working with young people and a place where I have spent more than half of my life.”

Petra Bajerová was born in Zlín in 1978. After finishing her studies at the grammar school in Valašské Klobouky, she went on to study at the Faculty of Chemical Technology at the University of Pardubice. Since then, her career has been devoted to Analytical Chemistry.

In 2002, she finished the master’s studies and 5 years later defended her dissertation. In 2015, she defended her habilitation thesis entitled Sample preparation for analysis – from the classical methods of extraction procedures to the methods with the respect to the principles of green chemistry.

Her long-term research interest involves the use of classical and green analytical methods for sample preparation, liquid and gas chromatography with mass detection to determine quantitative and qualitative composition of the extracts obtained.

In her career, she has represented the University of Pardubice at many universities abroad.

She tries to spread her motto “Life is Chemistry” outside the university by organizing Chemical Competitions for non-university students. Since 2002 she has been involved in the organization of the experimental part of the regional rounds of the “Chemical Olympiad” and since 2013 she has been involved in the organization of the theoretical and practical parts of “Quest for the Best Czech Young Chemist”.

Petra Bajerová and her family live in Pardubice. When out of her university office, she will most likely spend time with her daughter, be travelling or doing sport. She likes cycling, but also water sports such as swimming or paddle boarding.