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Doc. Ing. Liběna Černohorská, Ph.D.

“For me, University of Pardubice means great study experiences, lifelong friendships and work which I love.”

Liběna Černohorská was born in Pardubice in 1976. She graduated from the Master’s programme in Economic Policy and Administration at the Faculty of Economics and Administration of the University of Pardubice in 2000. She went on to pursue a doctoral programme in Company Management and Economics at the Brno University of Technology. In 2004, she defended her dissertation entitled Problems and relations of banks and enterprises development. In 2019, she was appointed Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economic of the University of Economics, Prague in the field of Economic Policy; her habilitation thesis was entitled Endogenous money in the Czech Republic.

Since 2002 she has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Pardubice later to become Associate Professor in 2019 and Vice-Dean for Internal Affairs in 2020.

The publications of Liběna Černohorská focus mainly on monetary policy and banking. She has been involved in Czech Science Foundation projects and contractual research involving the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of the University of Economics, Prague and the Institute of Economic Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University. She serves on a number of international and domestic editorial and scholarly boards, and is a member of a number of scholarly societies.

Liběna Černohorská has regularly exchanged and shared knowledge at many international conferences and during stays at universities abroad. She has done stays at universities in Turkey, Italy, Spain and four times in Portugal.

She has two children and her hobbies include horse riding, yoga and cooking.