The University of Pardubice is a multi-layer community including several thousand individuals interacting in many different ways. To create safe working and study environment, it is necessary to define the underlying ethical principles that will help create and promote ethical conduct.
The University of Pardubice believes that defining such ethical standards and monitoring the compliance is key to create and maintain collegial and friendly atmosphere and to build good reputation of the University of Pardubice in the eyes of the public. Such ethical standards are binding on all employees and students, who should identify with them to be able to contribute to their implementation.
The key document defining the ethical standards at the University of Pardubice is the Code of Ethics of the University of Pardubice, which is binding on all employees and students and serves not only as a model but also as a legal basis for imposing penalties for violating the ethical standards.
At the moment, the Code of Ethics is under review to be in line with the need of building social safety. At the same time, changes are implemented with respect to the Ethics Committee, which is the university body dealing with any violations of the Code of Ethics. The news related to the Code of Ethics and the Ethics Committee will be presented in a few months’ time.
In addition, the position of the Ombudsman is foreseen to be established in the first half of 2024 to develop and maintain good ethical environment at the University of Pardubice.