Scientific activity
The research team focuses on data science, artificial and computational intelligence and their application in managing data ecosystems and ensuring security in smart cities. The accent is put on open data research and transparency in e-government. Another area of interest is machine learning and neural network models with deep learning to achieve accurate and interpretable economic predictions by analysing large-scale structured and unstructured data.
International cooperation
Prof. Jens Horbach – Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Prof. Wolfgang Gerstlberger – Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Five of the most important projects
Programme: GA – Standard Projects (1993–2050), Project name: Návrh dynamického znalostního business modelu založeného na principech otevřených inovací (The Design of a Dynamic Knowledge-Based Business Model Based on Open Innovation Principles), Provider: GA0 – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Economics and Administration, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Jan Stejskal, Ph.D., Project period: 2020–2023.
Programme: GA – Standard Projects (1993–2050), Project name: Modelování emocí ve verbální a neverbální manažerské komunikaci pro predikci podnikových finančních rizik (Modelling of Emotions in Verbal and Non-Verbal Managerial Communication for Prediction of Corporate Financial Risks), Provider: GA0 – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Economics and Administration, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Petr Hájek, Ph.D., Project period: 2019–2022.
Programme: GA – Standard Projects (1993–2050), Project name: Modelování dynamiky determinantů národní a regionální produktivity založené na znalostních a kooperačních efektech (Modelling the Dynamics of National and Regional Productivity Determinants Based on Knowledge and Cooperation Effects), Provider: GA0 – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Economics and Administration, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Jan Stejskal, Ph.D., Project period: 2017–2019.
Programme: GA – Standard Projects (1993–2050), Project name: Analýza témat a sentimentu vícenásobných textových zdrojů pro finanční rozhodování podniků (Topic and sentiment analysis of multiple text sources for corporate financial decision making), Provider: GA0 – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Economics and Administration, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Petr Hájek, Ph.D., Project period: 2016–2018.
Programme: GA – Standard Projects (1993–2050), Project name: Modelování efektů přelévání znalostí v kontextu regionálního a místního rozvoje (Modelling Knowledge Spillovers in the Context of Regional and Local Development), Provider: GA0 – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Economics and Administration, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Jan Stejskal, Ph.D., Project period: 2014–2016.
Five of the most important scientific publications or patents of the team in the last five years
HORBACH, Jens, PROKOP, Viktor and Jan STEJSKAL. Determinants of firms' greenness towards sustainable development: A multi‐country analysis. Business Strategy and the Environment. 2023, 32(6), 2868-2881. Available from:
PROKOP, Viktor.; HÁJEK, Petr; STEJSKAL, Jan. Configuration paths to efficient national innovation ecosystems. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2021, 168, 120787. Available from:
Prokop, Viktor, Hojnik, Jana, Zapletal, David and Egon Žižmond, E. Othe path to sustainable development: The nexus among owner gender diversity, energy management, and firms' innovation radicalness. Business Strategy and the Environment. 2023, 32(4), 1799-1815. Available from:
HÁJEK, Petr, HIKKEROVA, Lubica and Jean-Michel SAHUT. Fake review detection in e-Commerce platforms using aspect-based sentiment analysis. Journal of Business Research. 2023, 167, 114143. Available from:
HÁJEK, Petr and Josef NOVOTNÝ. Fuzzy rule-based prediction of gold prices using news affect. Expert Systems with Applications. 2022, 193, 116487. Available from:
Most important awards received
Prof. Ing. Jan Stejskal, Ph.D. – Rector's Award for a prestigious monograph (2018)
Prof. Ing. Petr Hájek, Ph.D. – Rector's Award for a prestigious monograph (2018) for a publication in a high AIS factor journal (2019)
Doc. Ing. Viktor Prokop, Ph.D. – Rector's Award for a publication in a high-impact factor journal (2021)