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Research areas

The primary focus of the researchers involves the following topics and historical periods: 1. Human values in relations and politics; 2. Philosophy of emotion; 3. Philosophy of science and technology; 4. Ancient philosophy; 5. Environmental philosophy;

The research is issues-based and takes the historical context into account. The relevance of such research is supported by the involvement of the researchers in current social debates as well as the high number of international projects.

International cooperation

Membership in many international scholarly societies, such as Intercontinental Academy on Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence; European Moral Psychology Research Network; International Plato Society.

prof. Raimond Gaita - University of Melbourne (Australia)

prof. Vasilis Politis - Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)

Five major research projects

Programme: HE – ERC CZ, Project title: Combatting Self-Righteousness: A Vice of Digital Age, Grant authority: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Centre for Ethics, Principal investigator: prof. John Lippitt, Project period: 2024–2028.

Programme: OP VVV, Project title: Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, Grant authority: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Centre for Ethics, Principal investigator: doc. Mgr. Ondřej Beran, Ph.D., Project period: 2016–2022.

Programme: HE – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, Project title: Moral Impossibility: Rethinking Choice and Conflict, Grant authority: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice/ Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Principal investigator: Silvia Caprioglio Panizza, Ph.D., Project period: 2022–2023.

Programme: OP JAK, Project title: Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building (CoRe), Grant authority: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice/ Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Investigator from the University of Pardubice: Mgr. Kamila Pacovská, Ph.D., Project period: 2023–2028.

Programme: GA – Standard projects (1993-2050), Project title: "ECEGADMAT". Varieties of Feeling Bad about Climate and Other Things; Grant authority: GA0 – Czech Science Foundation, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice/ Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Principal investigator: doc. Mgr. Ondřej Beran, Ph.D., Project period: 2022–2024.

Five major publications or patents by the team over the past 5 years

BERAN, Ondřej. 2023. Examples and Their Role in Our Thinking. S.L.: Routledge.

CANDIOTTO, Laura, and Olivier RENAUT, eds. 2020. Emotions in Plato. Brill’s Plato Studies Series, Volume 4. Leiden; Boston: Brill.

FORSBERG, Niklas. 2021. Lectures on a Philosophy Less Ordinary: Language and Morality in J. L. Austin’s Philosophy. 1st ed. New York: Routledge.

GRYGAR, Filip. 2023. “Kontroverzní Jungkův Bestseller Jasnější Než Tisíc Sluncí a Nacistický Uranový Výzkum.” Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science, February.

HEJDUK, Tomáš. 2021. Nepolitická politika v díle Ladislava Hejdánka. Vydání první. Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích, svazek 23. Praha: Filosofia.

Major awards

doc. Filip Grygar, Ph.D.: Josef Hlávka Award for Scientific Publication, 2014.

Mgr. Kamila Pacovská, Ph.D.: Award by the Learned Society of the Czech Republic for Excellency in Philosophy and Ethics, 2018.


Selected excellent researchers in the field at the University of Pardubice

doc. Mgr. Ondřej Beran, Ph.D.
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
466 036 634
doc. Laura Candiotto, PhD
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
prof. John Andrew Lippitt, BSc (Hons), MLitt, PhD
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy