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Scientific activity

The research focuses on conjugated organic molecules based on (hetero)aromatics and the study of their fundamental physicochemical properties. It designs organic molecules with further applications in material sciences, especially in organic electronics. Application areas of research on organic molecules include nonlinear optics, batteries, solar cells, light-emitting diodes, photovoltaic cells, switches, sensors, etc. Another area of interest is photoredox catalysis using purely organic catalysts. Research in this area primarily focuses on transforming light radiation into chemical-bond energy. Finally, volatile hybrid inorganic-organic substances and their use for the deposition of layered materials are investigated. 

International cooperation

Prof. Sylvain Achelle – University of Rennes, Lannion, France

Prof. Julien Bachmann – Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, Germany

Prof. Kirk S. Schanze – University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, the USA

Prof. Santanu Bhattacharya – Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Bangalore, India

Prof. Frédéric Castet – University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France

Prof. Mihalis Fakis – University of Patras, Patras, Greece

Prof. Kornelius Nielsch – Leibnitz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany

Five of the most important projects

Programme: Horizon 2020 (2021–2026) / M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2021, Project name: Beztelluriové termoelektrické́ moduly pro zı́skávánı́ odpadního tepla připravené́ mezifázovými modifikacemi (Non-Telluride Thermoelectric Modules for Waste Heat Recovery Prepared by Interfacial Modifications), Provider: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Filip Bureš, Ph.D., Project period: 2022–2025.

Programme: GA – Standard Projects (1993–2050), Project name: DikyanPyraZin: Všestranný nástroj fotoredoxní katalýzy (Versatile Tool for Photoredox Catalysis), Provider: GA0 – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Filip Bureš, Ph.D., Project period: 2022–2024. 

Programme: INTER-EXCELLENCE/INTER-ACTION, Project name: Konjugované 2D kovalentní organické konstrukce na bázi uhlíku a alternujících D-A-D/A-D-A systémů s výraznými optoelektronickými vlastnostmi (Conjugated 2-D Covalent Carbon-Based Organic Structures and Alternating D-A-D/A-D-A Systems with Strong Optoelectronic Properties), Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Filip Bureš, Ph.D., Project period: 2020–2022.

Programme: OP VVV, Project name: ORGBAT: Baterie na bázi organických redoxních látek pro energetiku tradičních i obnovitelných zdrojů (Organic Redox-Based Batteries for Traditional and Renewable Energy), Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Filip Bureš, Ph.D., Project period: 2018–2022.

Programme: GA – Standard Projects (1993–2050), Project name: Selenidové 2D nanomateriály s unikátními vlastnostmi připravené pomocí depozice atomárních vrstev (Selenide 2-D Nanomaterials with Unique Properties Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition), Provider: GA0 – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Filip Bureš, Ph.D., Project period: 2018–2020.

Five of the most important scientific publications or patents of the team in the last five years

ŠIMON Pavel, KLIKAR Milan, BUREŠOVÁ Zuzana, VOURDAKI Chrisovalantou, KATSIDAS Alexandros, TYDLITÁT Jiří, KULHÁNEK Jiří, ZELENKA Jiří, FAKIS Mihalis, BUREŠ Filip. Centripetal triazine chromophores: towards efficient two-photon absorbers and highly emissive polyimide films. J. Mater. Chem. C 2023, 11(22), 7252-7261. ISSN 2050-7534. Available from: doi: 10.1039/D3TC00877K

WANG Hongyang, ZHAO Chipeng, BUREŠOVÁ Zuzana, BUREŠ Filip, LIU Jialei. Cyano-capped molecules: Versatile organic materials. J. Mater. Chem. A 2023, 11(8), 3753-3770. ISSN 2050-7496. Available from: doi: 10.1039/D2TA09699D

KOCH M. Vanessa, CHARVOT Jaroslav, CAO Yuanyuan, HARTMANN Claudia, WILKS G. Regan, KUNDRATA Ivan, MÍNGUEZ-BACHO Ignacio, GHESHLAGI Negar, HOGA Felix, STUBHAN Tobias, ALEX Wiebke, POKORNÝ Daniel, TOPRAKSAL Ece, SMITH Anna-Sunčana., BRABEC J. Christoph, BÄR Marcus, GULDI M. Dirk, BARR K. S. Maïsa, BUREŠ Filip, BACHMANN Julien. Sb2Se3 Thin-Film Growth by Solution Atomic Layer Deposition. Chem. Mater. 2022, 34(21), 9392-9401. ISSN 0897-4756. Available from: doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c01550

DEY Nilanjan, KULHÁNEK Jiří, BUREŠ Filip, BHATTACHARYA Santanu. Imidazole-Functionalized Y-Shaped Push–Pull Dye for Nerve Agent Sensing as well as a Catalyst for Their Detoxification. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86(21), 14663-14671. ISSN 0022-3263. Available from: doi: 10.1021/acs.joc.1c01488 

FECKOVÁ Michaela., KALIS Ioannis Konstantinos, ROISNEL Thiery, LE POUL Pascal, PYTELA Oldřich, KLIKAR Milan, ROBIN-LE GUEN Francoise, BUREŠ Filip, ACHELLE Sylvain. Photophysics of 9,9-Dimethylacridan-Substituted Phenylstyrylpyrimidines Exhibiting Long-Lived Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Fluorescence and Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics. Chem. Eur. J.2021, 27(3), 1145-1159. ISSN 0947-6539. Available from: doi: 10.1002/chem.202004328

Most important awards received

Alfred Bader Prize in Organic Chemistry (2012)

Thieme Chemistry Award (2012)

Selected excellent figures at UPCE working in the field

prof. Ing. Filip Bureš, Ph.D.
Faculty of Chemical Technology
466 037 099