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Disagreement, (in)tolerance and political discourse
The historical building of the University of Pardubice, Nám. Čsl. Legií 565, Pardubice, Room 03004 kontakt

Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, University of Pardubice is pleased to announce the workshop

Disagreement, (in)tolerance and political discourse

12th – 14th September 2019

Historical building of the University of Pardubice, Nám. Čsl. Legií 565, Pardubice, Room 03004

The recent global rise of populism goes hand in hand with an increasing polarisation of society. The radicalisation of disagreeing parties is sharpened not only by ever-more diverging political opinions, but also by underlying negative emotions. These developments are having a direct impact on the public sphere. Discussions that could have ended in fruitful exchange of arguments only two decades ago end now with irreconcilable conflict, mutual repulsion or contemptuous avoidance. Instead of embracing tolerance, understanding, openness and curiosity in view of difference, presumably open and pluralist liberal societies are instead filled with distrust, suspicion and enmity. Contrary to democratic respect for the other’s opinion and openness to reason and argument, we see escalating negative emotions and a lack of honest discussion. Are we witnessing the decline of deliberative democracy? Has the populist demagoguery, conspiracy theorising and scapegoating crippled public discourse?

The presentations and discussions during the workshop will consider possible attitudes to political disagreement and difference and the ways in which they are influenced by negative political emotions. The workshop hosts contributions from researchers working in the fields related to the theme, including political philosophy, but also political science (the study of populism and democracy), moral psychology (the study of emotions, attitudes and relationships), rhetoric (the study of demagoguery), epistemology (the study of disagreement and belief polarisation), social science and social psychology.

Attendance is free of charge. Registration is not necessary, but if you know in advance that you are coming, please let us know (e-mail kamila.pacovska@upce.cz).



Mgr. Kamila Pacovská, Ph.D.