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Christopher E. Forth: "Dieting with Sartre, or, Why fat is an existential issue."
EB - E2 kontakt

Ústav historických věd zve na přednášku a doktorandské kolokvium Christophera E. Fortha "Dieting with Sartre, or, Why fat is an existential issue."

pondělí 25. října 2021 | 15:00, místnost EB - E2

Přednáška a diskuze budou vedeny v anglickém jazyce. 

  Christopher E. Forth působí na College of Liberal arts and Sciences, The University of Kansas, je významným odborníkem na genderovou historii. Podílel se na rozvoji výzkumu dějin těla, maskulinit a dějin emocí. Mimo řady významných kolektivních publikací publikoval autorské monografie Fat: A Cultural History of the Stuff of Life (2019); Masculinity in the Modern West: Gender, Civilization and the Body (2008); The Dreyfus Affair and the Crisis of French Manhood (2004); Zarathustra in Paris: The Nietzsche Vogue in France, 1891-1918 (2001).

The Institute of Historical Sciences invites you to a lecture and doctoral colloquium by Christopher E. Forth, "Dieting with Sartre, or, Why fat is an existential issue."

Monday 25 October 2021 | 15:00, Room EB - E2

The lecture and discussion will be in English. 

Christopher E. Forth is a professor at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Kansas and an expert in the area of gender history. He participated in the research development of the history of the body, masculinities and the history of emotions. In addition to a number of important collective publications, he published a monograph Fat: A Cultural History of the Stuff of Life (2019); Masculinity in the Modern West: Gender, Civilization and the Body (2008); The Dreyfus Affair and the Crisis of French Manhood (2004); Zarathustra in Paris: The Nietzsche Vogue in France, 1891-1918 (2001).