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Učebna S21 na Fakultě chemicko-technologické kontakt

Jak probíhá studium na americké univerzitě? Co vše se dá zažít na univerzitním kampusu?
Přijďte si popovídat s americkými studenty (nejen) o životě na amerických univerzitách.
Kde? Učebna S21 na Fakultě chemicko-technologické
Kdy? Pondělí 4. 12. 2017 mezi 15:00-16:30 (přesný čas bude upřesněn)
Proč? Proč ne ;-)

Na koho se můžete těšit?

David Mann
University of New York in Prague (UNYP, full time, for three years) | International and Economic Relations
When I'm not  studying I enjoy watching football and hiking with my dog. I also love traveling and beer which is what lead me to Prague for university. Living in CR has helped solidify my love for experiencing different cultures and living abroad.

Justine Piontek
University of New York in Prague (UNYP) for 2 years | Psychology
I am receiving my Master's in Psychology  at the University of New York in Prague. I moved to Prague in September from New York City. I have always wanted the experience of living abroad and felt that studying would be the best way to do that. I am really enjoying the culture of Prague, particularly the arts scene. I am really excited to explore more of Prague and the Czech Republic!

Madelaine (Maddie) Mahoney
University of Delaware | Anglo-American University in Prague| PoliticaL Science and European History
I am a member of a sorority, Pi Beta Phi, and love participating in all our philanthropy events around Delaware's campus.  I am also on the Executive Board for UDance, a dance marathon that raises money and awareness for childhood cancer.  Being a European History manager, I thought it was important for me to study abroad and have the opportunity to learn about these countries firsthand.​

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