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The Czech Plato Society is pleased to announce the XIIIth Symposium Platonicum Pragense on Plato’s Phaedrus. The conference will be held on 3–5 November 2021 in Prague, Czech Republic. The Czech Plato Society has organised international and national conferences on Plato’s philosophy since 1997.

Zoom, registration praguephaedrus@gmail.com

Wednesday, 3 November

  • 09:30–10:40 Frisbee Sheffield | The Unity of the Phaedrus
  • 10:50–12:00 Filip Karfík | Mania: Plato’s Theory of Madness in the Phaedrus and Other Dialogues
  • 14:50–16:00 Edward Halper | The Dialectic of the Ladder of Lovers

Thursday, 4 November

  • 09:30–10:40 Olivier Renaut | Erôs, Divisions and Tripartition in the Phaedrus
  • 10:50–12:00 I-Kai Jeng | Phaedrus on the Rhetorical Nature of Soul
  • 13:30–14:40 Laura Candiotto (Centre for Ethics) | The Aporetic Dimension of Recollection (Phaedrus 250a5–b4)
  • 14:50–16:00 Sophia Margarett Connell | Love as Infectious Disease in the Phaedrus 250c8–252c2
  • 16:30–17:40 André Rehbinder | Le rôle du caractère dans l’initiation amoureuse du Phèdre : Étude du passage 252c4–253c6

Friday, 5 November

  • 09:30–10:40 Karel Thein | Writing and Life in the Phaedrus
  • 10:50–12:00 Thomas A. Szlezák | Plato’s Concept of the philosophos in the Phaedrus
  • 14:50–16:00 Anca Vasiliu | Dehors-dedans : Renversements de la parole dans le Phèdre
  • 14:50–16:00 Harvey Yunis | Rhetoric and the Hermeneutics of Play in Plato’s Phaedrus

The conference programme is listed in the CET time zone.

Mgr. Ondřej Krása, Ph.D.