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Usage of Feature dictionary
Autoři: Janáková Hana
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Transcom 2003
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Žilina, SR
Místo vydání: Žilina
Strana od-do: 163-166
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Usage of Feature dictionary Quantity of Internet documents is forcing us to create tools, which can help users browsing the Web. These tools have different quality, some of them are specialized either on branch (biology, chemistry, IT) or on locality (USA, Germany, ČR), some of them are only lists of topic in contrast to others using crawlers, and so on. Czech language is really colourful and various and we have to face problems arising in Czech searching machines. Feature dictionary could be useful assistant if designed well. charakteristické znaky, textová kategorizace, stoplist
eng Usage of Feature dictionary Quantity of Internet documents is forcing us to create tools, which can help users browsing the Web. These tools have different quality, some of them are specialized either on branch (biology, chemistry, IT) or on locality (USA, Germany, ČR), some of them are only lists of topic in contrast to others using crawlers, and so on. Czech language is really colourful and various and we have to face problems arising in Czech searching machines. Feature dictionary could be useful assistant if designed well. feature dictionary, text categorization, stoplist