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Implementation of E-Government: Security and Privacy Threats
Autoři: Janáková Hana | Kopáček Luděk
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Information Society IS 2003, Intelligent and Computer Systems
Název nakladatele: Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana
Místo vydání: Ljubljana
Strana od-do: 61-64
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Implementation of E-Government: Security and Privacy Threats The aim of this article is to describe new concept of privacy and security in relation to possible threats of e-Government. This article is not mean as warning against Internet and e-Government, personally we accept Internet as indispensable assistant in everyday life, but people are used to admire everything new without thinking about security and privacy matters. e-government, bezpečnost, ochrana osobních údajů, hrozby
eng Implementation of E-Government: Security and Privacy Threats The aim of this article is to describe new concept of privacy and security in relation to possible threats of e-Government. This article is not mean as warning against Internet and e-Government, personally we accept Internet as indispensable assistant in everyday life, but people are used to admire everything new without thinking about security and privacy matters. e-government, security, privacy, threats