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Publikace detail

Internet Geographic Information Systems as a Part of Local e-Government
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Intelligent and Computer Systems; Complex Systems in E-Business
Název nakladatele: Institut ?Jožef Stefan?
Místo vydání: Ljubljana
Strana od-do: 72-75
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Internet Geographic Information Systems as a Part of Local e-Government "Geo-enabling the web? is one of the present development trends in the both fields of information and communication technologies and public administration. The first experience of the Czech public administration with introducing Internet geographic information systems as a part of local e-government are described. e-Government, Internet GIS
eng Internet Geographic Information Systems as a Part of Local e-Government "Geo-enabling the web? is one of the present development trends in the both fields of information and communication technologies and public administration. The first experience of the Czech public administration with introducing Internet geographic information systems as a part of local e-government are described. e-Government, Internet GIS