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Publikace detail

Computer Systems in Public Administration and Regional Data Sources
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Information Society IS 2003
Název nakladatele: ABO Grafika
Místo vydání: Ljubljana Slovenia
Strana od-do: 136-139
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Computer Systems in Public Administration and Regional Data Sources The paper describes enquiry specifity in the regional data sources for computer systems in the area of public administration. Information systems in institutions of public administration and their regional data sources are supposed to serve for analysing and answering strategic regional enquiries, so that this informational environment would serve for an effective area administration and also as a resource for other institutions and for citizens. To get quality outputs from such sources, it is necessary to focus more on the enquiry mechanism, so that registered regional data could be effectively used.
eng Computer Systems in Public Administration and Regional Data Sources The paper describes enquiry specifity in the regional data sources for computer systems in the area of public administration. Information systems in institutions of public administration and their regional data sources are supposed to serve for analysing and answering strategic regional enquiries, so that this informational environment would serve for an effective area administration and also as a resource for other institutions and for citizens. To get quality outputs from such sources, it is necessary to focus more on the enquiry mechanism, so that registered regional data could be effectively used. regional data sources, computer systems, public administration