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Publikace detail

K problematice e-learningu
Autoři: Černá Monika
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series C, Faculty of Humanities
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 127-136
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze K problematice e-learningu S dynamickým rozvojem moderních informačních a komunikačních technologií a jejich pronikáním do oblasti vzdělávání se stále více projevuje potřeba věnovat pozornost také tomu, jaký charakter mají procesy učení podporované moderními technologiemi, jinými slovy, co vlastně znamená e-learning. Příspěvek je diskusí k problematice e-learningu, záměrně se vyhýbá jeho technologickým aspektům a obrací pozornost k jeho teoretickým základům.
eng E-learning - some issues Information and communication technology ? ICT ? has penetrated into all spheres of present-day society, including education. ICT is believed to bring about a reform in education. The provision of ICT is not sufficient in itself, ICT will not bring about a reform in education unless the full potential of the technologies is used to achieve clearly defined aims. ICT enhances the quality of the teaching/learning processes on condition that the distinctive features of ICT are fully exploited. The features are: opportunities for networked communication, interactivity, the multimedia nature of the medium, the availability of the unlimited amount of bits of information organized in a nonlinear way owing to hypertext and hypermedia. ICT will not add a new dimension to education if it merely replaces old technologies or is used in the framework of established procedures. We introduce the term e-learning, which is widely used, but there is no consensus about its meaning. E-learning has become a ?buzz word?. It has been used to denote a broad array of learning contexts somehow involving ICT. E-learning is not a material, no matter how technologically rich, but it involves interacting with such a material. It is not a course, even though totally delivered online. All attempts to define e-learning in this way seem to be following a wrong direction. e-learning