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Videoconferencing in ESP Classes: Learner-Centred Approach
Autoři: Háhn Judit | Podlásková Irena
Rok: 2016
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: CASALC Review
Strana od-do: 51-61
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Videokonference v kurzech odborné angličtiny: výuka zaměřená na studenta Integrace videokonferenčnı́ch modulů do hodin odborné angličtiny (ESP) nabı́zı́ možnost kombinace kolaborativnı́ho i autonomnı́ho učenı́spolu s prvky interkulturnı́komunikace prostřednictvı́m sociálnı́ch médiı́. Autorky popisujı́své zkušenosti z videokonferenčnı́ch hodin, prezentujı́ výsledky na základě zpětné vazby studentů a nabı́zejı́ doporučenı́ týkajı́cı́ se vhodnosti videokonferenčnı́ho konceptu pro výuku odborné angličtiny.
eng Videoconferencing in ESP Classes: Learner-Centred Approach The integration of videoconferencing (VC) into ESP education provides an opportunity for the combination of collaborative learning, autonomous learning and cross-cultural communication via social media and ICT implementation. Videoconferencing encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning in order to achieve a successful outcome of the whole session and enables them to apply varied project-based concepts. Instructors usually remain in the background during the lesson but take an active role in the preparation. The focus is on student–student interaction both in the VC classroom and in social media activities. The authors describe their first-hand experience as teachers of joint VC Business English sessions arranged between the University of Pardubice, Czech Republic and the University of Pécs, Hungary. By sharing the lessons learnt, they aim to help teachers interested in organizing similar, cross-cultural ESP sessions. Students’ views are presented on the learning experience, discussion topics, and recommended modifications. The authors show the outcomes based on students’ feedback, and provide some suggestions as to the suitability of the videoconferencing concept for ESP classes. videoconferencing; learner-centred approach; collaborative learning; autonomous learning; cross-cultural communication