Published: 27.03.2014
The University of Turin with the support of the European Commission and the banking foundation Compagnia di San Paolo is going to launch 2020 researchers: Train To Move (T2M), a new transnational mobility fellowship programme addressed to post doc researchers. T2M is funded under FP7-PEOPLE-2013-COFUND.
T2M programme aims at creating favorable conditions for incoming transnational mobility of high skilled researchers by offering them the opportunity to carry out a research project and to attend a unique training on soft skills.
T2M experience will contribute to the development of personal transferable skills of awarded fellows and will train them for academic and non-academic sectors.
The first T2M call for proposals will be launched on the 5th of March 2014 and the deadline will be the 5th of May 2014. All usefull information is available at
Eligible applicants will have to submit project proposals according to programme rules and online through the web site platform.