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Publikováno: 04.06.2019

Zveme vás na dvě mezinárodní sportovní události, které se konají v Budapešti. 

Firstly, the EUSA Mindsports Championship 2019. The European Universities Bridge and Chess Championship will be held in Budapest between July 24-28. Hosted by the University of Physical Education in close cooperation with the Hungarian University Sports Federation and the sports club of the University.

You can find all information about the competition at the official website and in the attached document: https://mindsports2019.eusa.eu/  

The second global sports conference event will be the MOVE Congress between16-18 October 2019 at the Budapest Congress Center. There is an open call for this recreational sport and physical activity conference, where any individual or organisation can exhibit and/or present at one of the world’s most interactive conferences on grassroots sport and physical activity.  The organizers are looking for exhibitors and presenters who are working with an innovative approach or technology that gets people moving.

The applications can be sent in to contact@movecongress.com no later than Saturday 15 June 2019 to be in the running to exhibit or present at the MOVE Congress 2019. Further information can be found in the attached files.