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I received my university degree in 2004 at the University of Pardubice in Economics and Management of Chemical and Food Industry. Subsequently, in 2011 I completed my doctoral studies at the University of Technology in Prague in the field of Business Management and Economics. Since 2006 I have been working as an academic at the University of Pardubice. Within this activity, I have long been involved in the promotion of the University and popularisation of science among the general public.

In the context of events for the public and secondary school students, I am trying to develop in two areas. The first area is financial literacy, as it is an application of economics, which is a subject I teach at the University of Pardubice.

The other area is road safety, where I specialise in the rules and safety of cyclists, kick scooter riders and pedestrians. I also try to develop people's knowledge of road traffic rules by using models of real intersections in Pardubice. I carry out these activities as I work at the Faculty of Transport Engineering and I see this activity as part of the third role of the University.

My hobbies include tree climbing and other forms of active leisure in nature.